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Subject: Re: New Firmware Nokia 3310 (NHM-5) v5.87

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Date Posted: 04:32:43 08/10/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: 13-144.fol.nl/
In reply to: Yolly Zubrick 's message, "New Firmware Nokia 3310 (NHM-5) v5.87" on 23:09:36 05/06/03 Tue

>Get the firmwares here:
>What's new since v5.79 to v5.87:
>Changes made from version 05.79 to version 05.87:
>- After executing SIM ATK “Play Tone” command it is
>possible to stop the command by pressing a soft key
>- Improved functionality when editing data in SIM ATK
>command “Get Input”
>- Messaging:
>- Some of the Russian fonts were shown as a square.
>Now correct Russian native characters are shown
>- The Unicode paragraph separator (0x2029) was shown
>as square when reading a received message. Now this
>character is treated as a certain return (a new line
>- Languages:
>- Arabic T9 and English T9 characters are not mixed up
>- Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian T9 support added
>- Language package L is split to three packages (see
>also APPENDIX):
>Before:L Now:L W Y
>- All type of calendar notes from other Nokia phones
>are possible to receive and save as reminders
>- When naming a tone in the following languages:
>Sesotho, Swahili, Zulu, Indonesian, Serbian and
>- Ringing tone Frog renamed to Croak
>- Possible to use more than 30 characters in the USSD
>- Added support for new flash memories
>- Operator name list updated

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Subject Author Date
Re: New Firmware Nokia 3310 (NHM-5) v5.87McFeter13:55:35 08/22/03 Fri
Re: New Firmware Nokia 3310 (NHM-5) v5.87rnagy13:20:10 08/27/03 Wed

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