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Date Posted: - Friday - 07/ 6/12 - 12:37pm
Author: Bruce
Subject: Monitor
In reply to: Sietse 's message, "Aries windvane and Wheel steering: is it possible?" on - Tuesday - 07/ 3/12 - 10:29pm

I have a Monitor Windvane with the Edson worm gear wheel steering - it works great. I see no reason why an Aries would not also work since they both use the same servo-pendulum technology.

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[> Windvane -- Doug Wilson, - Friday - 07/ 6/12 - 12:53pm

I use a Norvane windvane, but went to a tiller, Easy to do and works great.

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[> [> Aries windvane and Wheel steering: is it possible? -- Sietse (M32 #49 "Waka Irie"), - Sunday - 07/ 8/12 - 8:39am

Hi Doug,

so you changed the whole steering system then?

is it easy to take the edson worm gear driver out and put a tiller on there?

to be honest, i don't like the small wheel on the Mariner.
our boat doesn't seem to steer at all.
it has it's own way of going where it wants to go.
but the main problem i think is that the rudder is to small for the boat.

i should have made it bigger when we we're on the hard and had taken it off because the bronze rods we're corroded.

i'm interested if anyone else has changed there steering system to a Tiller setup.


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[> [> [> Tiller conversion -- Doug Wilson, - Sunday - 07/ 8/12 - 8:53am

It took maybe an hour to pull the worm gear steering out.
If I had found a welder who was not having personal problems, I could have had the tiller parts made in a week or so, as it was, it only cost $350.00 to have beautiful stainless work done.
I still have the worm gear steering and the wheel.
Wish I could send pictures, but I am in Italy for a while, my boat is in Puerto Vallarta, and my PC died.
I do like the tiller far more than the wheel. I also use a Simrad tiller pilot for use while motoring.

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