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Date Posted: - Monday - 09/ 2/13 - 1:40pm
Author: andrew
Subject: sprit
In reply to: andrew 's message, "bow sprit" on - Monday - 09/ 2/13 - 1:07pm

I will also probably use West System epoxy.
I understand that I should flip the laminates end for end for opposite grain and whether or not I screw the laminates together or simply clamp them, not to do so too tightly as to starve the join of epoxy.
Then I am to understand to shape and soak the sprit in thinned epoxy before sanding and painting.
I'm motivated to do this myself after the ridiculous $7000 quote I received from Canoe Cove that didn't include the removal or installation .
They do great work but c'mon !!!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> sprit -- andrew, - Monday - 09/ 2/13 - 1:48pm

One last thought........I've been advised to use naturally dried wood instead of kiln dried.
I'm told that the kiln dried is somewhat more brittle than the naturally dried product.
I'm also wondering if anyone knows if the sprit is notched into the samson post or uses a dowel of some sort to attach it to the post

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Naturally Cured - no fasteners required -- Gitano, - Tuesday - 09/ 3/13 - 12:09pm

Yes, Andrew, naturally dried is definitely preferred. Both Randall's and my spris were built from naturally cured tight grained fir - probably both from the same tree. I don't know why one would need fasteners for the lamination. Just use lots of clamps, in both dimensions. The epoxy laminate would be stronger than any fastened sections of wood. Fasteners will create weak links in the system, in my humble opinion.
Best regards,

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