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Date Posted: - Monday - 04/16/12 - 11:50am
Author: Chedeng
Subject: (Followup) Attention to Posts and Website Maintenance

We've noticed that often-times posts with questions are made here with the expectation that there will be some followup. Seems to be some that don't do that, especially when a response to a post with some followup question is not responded to and the poster does not leave a email address or contact!

Another irritating point of this otherwise very useful and great website that there seems to be infrequent maintenance and updates by the website manager.....is there a problem with keeping this site up? Is the WS MGR on a CN?

Bottom line....hope the ws MGR ann visit and clean up the site of problems (look at Paul's comments a few days ago) and those who post a question come back and respond to those who leave info, questions, etc.

Aloha and Mahalo...Chedeng

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[> Does anyone know -- keoni, - Wednesday - 05/ 2/12 - 9:45pm

Does anyone know who and/or when this website is managed by? We've sent email inquiries to administrative address listed in this website with no responses. One email address was returned undelivered!

Has the person passed away...gone on a cruise? Quit? Is this thing on autopilot?


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[> [> Website updates -- Terry, - Wednesday - 05/ 2/12 - 11:25pm

Bill Kranidis is the one that I understand is the administrator of this site and does the updates. Its been almost 5 months now since it was last checked and updated. I have no idea whats going on with the site.

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[> [> [> "MIA" -- keoni, - Thursday - 05/ 3/12 - 11:03pm

Terry...thanks...if I recall correctly, I attempted to email Bill several months ago and the email was returned. It seems like 5 months is quite a while and wonder if there should be some concern. I think I'll look back and see if he's posted anything that would give some idea his status and/or whereabouts!

I was a VERY long time member of the Coast Guard which might explain my (over?)concern.

Once again, thanks...thought the site was "dead". Aloha

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