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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 05/15/12 - 12:18pm
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: Bill Kranidis

Bill is a great guy, I truely hope something has not happened to him.

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[> Agreed and something to consider -- Randall, - Tuesday - 05/29/12 - 2:07pm

Agreed, Mike. I have also attempted outreach via email without success.

Our group should consider that Bill has been faithfully maintaining the Mariner Owners website and board for many years (I'd guess at least 15) with no compensation and rare thanks. Yes, the site hosts ads, but it is unlikely they pay much; certainly their income can't approach the hours and hours Bill has spent updating, resizing, organizing owner boat photos, posting our project articles, rebuilding the site when it crashes, etc., etc.

Bill was an avid Mariner owner--it's why he put the site together for us in the first place--but he sold his M32, Carpe Diem, in 1999 (or around then).

Which is to say that at some point Bill may wish to walk away from this. He'll have a hard time saying that; I know he still has a great love for Mariners and a sense of loyalty to the group of owners, but the man has a right to move on.

And if that happens we need to figure out how to maintaint the site with those amongst us.

I'm NOT saying this is happening. I don't know what's up with Bill. But our free ride will end at some point.

Something to keep in mind,


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[> [> website -- Bruce, - Tuesday - 05/29/12 - 5:11pm

I vote for Randall to take up the slack:)

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[> [> [> Bill -- Captain John, - Wednesday - 05/30/12 - 6:25pm

As a avid reader of this wedsite and a Mariner owner, Bills advice, work on web site and overall love for sail boats inspired me to say THANKS BILL, your advice in past posts has helped me like you dont know. Easy breezes and great sunsets as you sail on.

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[> [> [> [> website and domaine name -- Terry, - Thursday - 06/ 7/12 - 11:24am

Does anyone know how to contact Bill and see whats going on? We've all noticed the site hasn't been maintained or updated since January of this year. It be a shame to loose the site and all its information. Domain names and websites have to be paid for either yearly or bi yearly or they get shut down. I don't know who he has the domain name registered with to look up contact information. I sincerely hope Bill is alright as he has been a great contribution to this site. At the same time if he no longer wishes to keep the site, maybe it could be turned over to someone who is willing to do so. Along with domain registration fees there are web hosting fees. If either of these are not paid the site could and would be shut down without notice. Just something to consider for those of us that cherish this site and the information it gives. Any suggestions ????

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[> [> [> [> [> Post Deletion !!! -- Bill Kranidis, - Thursday - 06/14/12 - 8:50am

BTW, Terry....

I did some forum cleaning of spam and I had to delete a post of yours I came across(unfortunately some follow-up posts went with it).......Reason: personal information.

Not that anyone couldn't get that info if they wanted, but I like not to put them out there if I can. I do appreciate you caring and concern though.

I was going to inform you of this in private, but you forgot to add an email address to get in touch with you.

Which one is your boat again ?

Bill Kranidis

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