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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 06/ 5/12 - 5:16pm
Author: Randall, M31, Murre
Subject: Velvet Drive Tranny

...permission to ask a dumb question?

How do I change the fluid on my 1:1 Velvet Drive Tranny?

Started engine yesterday after a month in Nawiliwili and when engaged, the tranny made a rough, rumbling sound similar to that of cavitation or a prop terribly out of alignment. Thought at first barnacles had attached themselves unevenly to Murre's propellor (they are quick and tenatious here), but a few minutes later, Murre would reverse smoothly all the way up the RPM scale and some minutes later she would go forward smoothly as well (barnacles do NOT let go that easily).

Think this can only mean tranny problems that would be helped by either more or fresh fluid.

The tranny has received no attention since I bought Murre. I've tried a couple times over the years to pop the allen screw on top of the tranny without result. But I don't see a drain nut on the bottom of the tranny.

Any help re how to add/drain/change fluid appreciated.

Also, what type of fluid should I buy?

Many thanks.


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[> I have the service manual -- Paul M31#106 NJ, - Tuesday - 06/ 5/12 - 8:33pm

If you send me your email address, I will send a PDF of the manual your way Mine is dutchessc22@aimcom

There's a drain plug - under the shift lever - it should also be the holder of a tubular strainer, which supposedly comes out along with the plug. The procedure says to remove the filler plug and to loosen one of the cooler lines when draining the oil - presumably so it drains as well - recommended to be done seasonally. The recommended replacement fluids are DextronII, Type F and "other transmission fluids meeting Allison Type C3 specifications" - however, regular motor oil is also specifically identified as allowed for our speed/use (not exceeding 3000 rpms; SEA #30 would be preferred - no multi-grade oils allowed).

It takes two quarts, not including the cooler and lines.

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[> velvet drive -- Doug Wilson, - Wednesday - 06/ 6/12 - 1:22pm

How does the oil look?
I was just going to use the oil change pump and take it out of the dip stick. Have not done that yet.
I use any ATF fluid, that's what the mechanic who rebuilt the Perkins told me. Also that in an emergency, any oil will work to get you in.

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[> Thanks both. Paul, email sent to you... -- Randall, - Wednesday - 06/ 6/12 - 2:57pm

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[> All good now... -- Randall, - Friday - 06/ 8/12 - 12:44am

Well, tried for an hour to loosen a hex nut I thought was the dip stick. It wouldn't budge. Good thing as it was the wrong nut. Finally found the dip stick nut, with help from your schematic, which was barely finger tight, but some previous numbskull had installed the water lift muflfler on top of the dip stick. That made things fun. Oil level was just below the "L". Not good. What an idiot am I for letting it go so long. Now topped off. Took almost a quart. Should be changed, but that will have to wait. Used NAPA dexron iii.

Thanks again for the help.


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[> [> Transmission Fluid -- Gitano, - Friday - 06/ 8/12 - 2:29pm

There is also a pencil zinc (smallest size available) on the transmission fluid cooler that should be serviced, if you haven't done this already.

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[> [> [> I have taken mine off and home -- Paul M31#106 NJ, - Friday - 06/ 8/12 - 6:56pm

I did not see such zinc.

I thought about it for a while and concluded that because there are no disimilar metals - the whole thing is made from brass or copper - perhaps there is no need for one... Your post contradicts that thought.

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[> Dip stick -- Doug Wilson, - Friday - 06/ 8/12 - 3:47pm

There is also a reto-fit expansion plug type dipstick, was about $30.00, much easier than that nut. Got it at Harpur Marine in Wilmington CA.

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