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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 07/18/12 - 9:33am
Author: Bill Kranidis
Subject: Keoni and all other new owners

UPDATES coming up in a few days. Those owners who are not listed on the "Owners" page please submit your information to me via email.

Bill Kranidis

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[> Bill i KIP perserveranc sent pitchers did you get them -- kip kolstad, - Wednesday - 01/16/13 - 10:51pm

I sent more interior. Perserverance pitchers I hope they got to the siht ok new at this comuter game thanks kip kolstad winchester baay ore

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[> [> Got them, Kip -- Bill Kranidis, - Monday - 01/21/13 - 2:36pm

Going live shortly.


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[> For what it's worth. -- Paul M31 #106, - Thursday - 01/17/13 - 1:07pm


Before listing #106 as having been lost or destroyed during these updates, please consider that as a fellow owner I often found it eerie to have my boat listed as "next" to the only one that was identified as being lost/destroyed... (Breeze, M#104)... the only comfort being that at least the hull numbers were not consecutive.

Maybe no-one else is as superstituous as I am, but my preference would be to simply remove the entry (ies) altogether.

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[> [> Ouch !!! -- Bill Kranidis, - Monday - 01/21/13 - 2:34pm

I hear you, Paul.

I placed it as such, in order to keep track of hull #'s.
This is what I'll do: keep the listing with hull #'s but remove names and relevant info from the boats.
Is that ok ?

I'm really sorry for your loss, man.


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[> Response to your alert -- Keoni, - Friday - 01/25/13 - 7:45pm

Bill....Am within 2-3 weeks of finalizing purchase of a Mariner (M40). Will provide you info when papers and helm are in hand.



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[> [> Excellent !!! -- Bill Kranidis, - Saturday - 01/26/13 - 10:59am

I hope all goes well.

I'm standing by.


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[> Manana also lost -- Jared Kibele (sad), - Thursday - 02/21/13 - 1:07am

Sad to say that I'm 99% certain that M31 #10 "Manana" burned and sank off of Ventura, CA. I think it was in 2009. I briefly met the owner in Santa Barbara before the boat sank. I only got details of the sinking second or third hand but, like I said, I'm pretty certain she's lost.

Jared Kibele
M31 #9 Architeuthis

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[> [> WOW !! -- Bill Kranidis, - Thursday - 02/21/13 - 11:23am

"Sad" is an understatement.

Jared, can you or someone else in the area verify ?

I'll try to reach the owner my self as well.



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[> [> [> Not sure I can verify, but I'll try. -- Jared Kibele, - Sunday - 02/24/13 - 4:38pm

Hi Bill,

The owner, at the time of sinking, was a friend of an acquaintance back when we were still in Ventura. We (wife, boat, and I) are in New Zealand now. I only met the owner once in person and talked to him a couple of times on the phone. I don't have current contact information of the owner but I'll send an email to the acquaintance and see if he can give verification.


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[> [> [> [> Thanks !!! -- Bill Kranidis, - Wednesday - 02/27/13 - 6:41am

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