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Date Posted: - Monday - 06/10/13 - 10:18pm
Author: Caleb
Subject: Mariner 31 Hull thickness

Hi team. Looking at installing a depth sounder on a Mariner 31. I would like to install an in-hull rather than a thru-hull if I can. The transducer I am looking at can only shoot through a maximum of 5/8'' hull thickness. Anyone have any idea how thick my hull should be?


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[> install it under the v-berth -- Ardian Taygeta M31 # 98, - Tuesday - 06/11/13 - 7:53am

put the transduser in a plastic ziplock bag with filled water place it at the bow under the v-birth and try it before installing it. If you have acured reading than installe it there. That is what I did. and it works fine.

Good luck


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[> [> cheers -- Caleb, - Wednesday - 06/12/13 - 12:35am

Thanks Ardi, will give it a go. I would prefer not to have to buy the transducer first but its not too expensive. I am looking at an Airmar P79.

What transducer do you have?

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[> I have a hummingbird fishfinder -- Ardi, - Wednesday - 06/12/13 - 9:35pm

I dont remember now what model but I'll check tomorrow and let you know. With a depthmeter you only get the depth, but for more or less the same price a fishfinder gives you water temperature and fish locations , just in case.

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[> Airmar P79 -- Jared Kibele, - Thursday - 06/20/13 - 10:15pm

I installed an Airmar P79 in Architeuthis (M31 Hull #9). I put it under the port settee. The hull seemed a bit too steep under the v-birth. Mine is hooked up to a Garmin chart plotter via the Garmin GSD22 sounder. It works great. Nice detailed returns off the bottom. It's easy to tell sand from rock and to see kelp on rocks. Maximum sensible depth seems to vary a bit but it'll generally work down to at least 500 feet. I've seen 700 or more at times.

I measured the hull thickness at one point a long time ago while replacing a through-hull fitting. I can't remember exactly what the measurement was but it was significantly less the 5/8". ...and anyway, the transducer works great where I put it.

...this is so obvious that I hesitate to even mention it but... You don't want to put it on any of the horizonal surfaces under the cabin sole. Those are either on top of the ballast or, in the aft part behind the ballast, probably too thick and generally covered in nasty bilge water anyway. Or, if in front of the ballast, right over the stem where the glass is super thick.

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[> [> Thanks -- Caleb, - Monday - 06/24/13 - 2:36am

Awesome, that was exactly the setup I was looking at installing.

Thanks heaps.

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