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Date Posted: - Monday - 03/14/11 - 10:22pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Plexiglass / Lexan

Am in La Paz and am attempting, with great difficulty, to source plastics for storm windows. HomeDepot apparently has LEXAN, but only in 1/8th inch sheets. I found a window glass store today that had two large sheets of 1/2 inch PLEXIGLASS (manufacturer's tag).

Two questions:

-I'd prefer Lexan, but will Plexiglass suffice? It may be less strong and may break down in the sun, but it only needs to last a year. OK for storm windows?

-Any special rules for cutting plexi to shape? I have a battery powered jig saw and lots of blades. That's it.

Thanks in advance...


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[> storm windows -- James (m-31" Pyxis"), - Tuesday - 03/15/11 - 12:42am

Hey Randall
I Think the 1/2" plexi would be fine. I would ask Lopez Marine about finding Materials. As for cutting it the jig saw would work if you are patient but I would find some one with a band saw. I think Malcom the welder has one. Lopez Marine can tell you how to find him he is about half a mile from Marina De La Paz. I am driving down Mid April.

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[> Lexan -- Doug Wilson, - Tuesday - 03/15/11 - 9:56am

Are the windows yellowed? You might try Flitz metal polish, it really cleans lexan. Great stuff.
Lopez has it, but only had large @ $63.00 US. in December.
Leaving in a couple hours for Barra de Navidad.

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[> thanks gents... -- Randall, - Tuesday - 03/15/11 - 10:35pm

made the frames today. have sourced the plexi and will pick it up tomorrow.

james, looks like i'll miss you this trip. current plan is to be out of la paz by mid april.

doug, safe passage to barra! must be getting hot down there. 85 here today.


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