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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 09/13/11 - 5:08pm
Author: Nicholas
Subject: Our Mariner's WEB Site

I wonder why is our Mariner Owner Association WEB Site silent for the past 3 months. I sent a couple of emails and have received no replies. Previously, all emails were replied in a day or two, sometimes in hours. Anyone would know something about our friend who was running this Assosiation?

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[> MOA website -- Bruce, - Tuesday - 09/13/11 - 7:16pm

Bill manages the website on a voluntary bases and does a great job, when he is not out cruising somewhere.

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[> [> MOA Website -- Nicholas, - Wednesday - 09/14/11 - 12:29am

Thank you for your reply. I did not know that sometimes Bill is cruising somewhere. When I chat with him last time, he mentined, that some tme ago, he used to have a Mariner 32 but not now. I was a bit worried why he would not log on to this site for such a long time.


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[> MOA Website -- Bill Kranidis, - Thursday - 09/15/11 - 12:05pm


it just so happened that while you were posting this, I was working on the website, for the last 2 days. Understand that to create a page for new submissions requires alot of time (scripts, photo resizing, etc etc.) nevertheless receiving 3-4 requests at once.
Unfortunately, time is very scarce these days....between running a business, attending son's football outings and yes... taking off cruising....I can't even check my email on a daily basis anymore :-).

Finally though, I have caught up with the site's updates.

Nice M40 you have in your hands. Send some more photos when she's launched.

Keep sailing those Mariners everyone.....sail them HARD.

Best to all,
Bill Kranidis.

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[> Thanks! -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Friday - 09/16/11 - 7:28pm

As always, Bill thanks a million for the fine job you do keeping up our Mariner web site. A special thanks from the skipper and crew of Ta' Ata Ori, for posting the updated photos and narrative.

FYI, I've posted some videos of sailing our beloved vessel on my YouTube channel. You can go to YouTube and search drlmk88 for my channel or search Ta Ata Ori. I'm pretty sure Hollywood will be calling me any time now, once they recognize my Massive Talent as a film maker...

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