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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 02/ 3/10 - 1:05am
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Posting really big pictures--whamo!

Well, did you know you can post super-massive photos boardering on the pornographic (not that I would know) of your awesome boat onto this board? Without all those ads. No need to link out.

Not sure what's changed on this board or on Image Shack, the a poto hosting company I've used. But something has.

Go to http://www.imageshack.us/

Upload your image and then cut and past the HTML code right into the body of your message. And whammo. Hugifa. I guess that's good. :)

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[> BIG -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Friday - 02/ 5/10 - 7:39pm

Hey Randall, where is this anchorage, inside the bay? You sure you're around SF, where's the fog? The sky's sure blue.
Did Image Shack change the picture posting format?
Yours truly, Kathy

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[> [> It's in the bay, promise! -- Randall, - Saturday - 02/ 6/10 - 1:20pm

If you were to sail into San Francisco bay from the Golden Gate bridge and continue on down wind, down through Racoon Straits between Angel Island and the main land, and then bend hard left and continue on up bay for about another 15 miles, you'd come to a small anchorage on the back side of San Rafael called China Camp. It's a state park, a Chinese shrimping camp that was abandoned in the 30's, but all the buildings remain and now we have some 50 miles of hiking trails behind it and all over Mt. San Pedro. It's a stunning spot--rustic, delapidated, removed from "the big city", which is visible from around the nearest point. It smells of Eukalyptus. One often hears the screetch of Ospreys. We hang on the hook there many a weekend.

There's no fog because the shot was taken in September (our most summery month) on a stunningly clear morning. China Camp is famous for having the most sun, the least fog of any spot in the main bay.

It was 6am. I was just launching on my big adventure of this summer, a one-day hike from China Camp back to our other favorite anchorage, Paradise Cove, some 20 miles away over several coastal ranges and under a couple of freeways, from which I rowed the dingy, Coot, back eight miles to Murre at China Camp.

It was a fun, long day. An awesome way to "play" in the bay.

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