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Date Posted: - Monday - 03/29/10 - 7:42pm
Author: Vernon M32 # 54 (PHEW)
Subject: Toerails bent very nicely

Duties never conflict and when the sawmill was found across town with fresh Cyprus and Juniper , those toerails and house trim went a' callin.
I made them 3 1/2" x 1 1/2 " x 20' and after installed meet the teak taft on each side with an fancy "s" joint. I was "woo hoo'n" when I put that last clamp on the port side with a pretty feeling. Now Mia , my fourlegged . can't slide off .
So, big phew with Joy. Thanks for the site.
Btw, how can I post pics on site ?

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[> How to post a picture -- Paul M31 #106, - Monday - 03/29/10 - 9:56pm

After you have the picture sittin somewhere on a host site (like Photobucket.com, which is what I use - it's free)

With the picture uploaded to the host site, once you hover over it you'll see a drop down menu with options to "copy" for importing to sites like this. This one uses the "HTML Code" - once you copy that for the picture just paste it here and Poof:


The text looks like this:

[a href="http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a323/Dutchessc22/?action=view¤t=2138320_9.jpg" target="_blank"][img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a323/Dutchessc22/2138320_9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"][/a]

If you were to replace the each [ bracket with < and each ] bracket with > in this the formula above, you too wil post this same picture which I have uploaded to Photobucket.

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[> Here's how I do it -- Randall, - Tuesday - 03/30/10 - 12:17am

Another option is www.imageshack.us. Pretty straightforward. Same idea. You upload your photo to their website and then cut and paste the html code into this forum. Takes some getting use to...but then easy.

Some instructions I wrote up a while back are here:


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[> Dig in with pics and advice. -- Vernon M32 #54, - Sunday - 04/ 4/10 - 3:10pm

Here are the awaited pics. *Before gasping in horror over the drops of adhesives and discrepencies on the money coat and boot stripe , be assured that Joy's belly will get her attention on the sanding and cleaning. (And a resetting of her sea strainer through hull)
Also , the short comings of Joy in the past five years since she's been dry and sober , can't compare to the very fact that every plank and "nail" was done single handedly...Thanks to a couple pairs of vice grips fastening toe rails, etc.
The planking material on the bridges, cockpit and bulkheads were an interesting find.All teak and are 5X5 1/2" by various lengths and have a one season finish on the one side. The other side (they are tongue and groove on all 4 sides) has five 3/16" deep mitre cuts. The miraculous thing is that the year it took me to buy a box or two at a time , when I was finished , they were all out~!Big phew....
I'll stop booring you with texts when I know you want to check out another M32 and see what "he" did. And ..don't be as critical on Joy as I am with your boats...lol.
*not all pics posted yet* Having a time with Linux..... What a nice day it is today, nice and drab and drear. Heavy dew make it wet and I almost think I'm floating until I walk out the commpanionway and down the steps and realize I'm not under the water line.
*I beseech advice*


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