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Date Posted: - Friday - 04/ 2/10 - 11:09pm
Author: Doug Wilson
Subject: Windvane
In reply to: kaizen m31 #148 's message, "looking to buy autopilot any suggestion on best and easy to install," on - Tuesday - 03/30/10 - 7:08pm

I put tiller steering on Cactus Tree, and a Norvane wind vane. Have not really used the windvane, as on long passages there has been no wind or right on the nose.
I use a Simrad tiller pilot, works well for me, but wish I had gotten the bigger one.
Norvane is in Carlsbad CA, he would not sell me one unless I had tiller steering, it will also work with a tiller pilot.

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[> [> Servo Pendulum on Worm Gear Steering -- Jared Kibele, - Monday - 04/ 5/10 - 2:42pm

It seems kind of strange that Norvane won't sell you one. Monitor claims that their servo pendulum wind vane will work just fine and the seem to have at least one customer testimonial to back it up: http://www.selfsteer.com/faqs/faq.php?ID=116 The points they make there seem fairly reasonable but I'm not in a big hurry to throw down several grand to find out if they're right. ...and I like my wheel too much to get rid of it.

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[> [> [> Nice testimonial -- Randall, - Monday - 04/ 5/10 - 8:16pm

Ya, am not in a hurry to rip out the wheel either.

Am getting the sense from very recent reading that the Monitor may be the best choice.

I really like the idea of "second rudder" types (Hydrovane, etc.), but one comment on the Cruiser's forum suggested that system does not have the rudder power to steer the boat in brisk (rough) downwind situations. Then the testimonial you posted states the Monitor can do exactly that well.

Getting a Mariner to sail well with wind above the beam is no great trick. It's aft of the beam where things get dicey; our boats can be difficult to balance with wind on the quarter, for example, and a unit that can apply some considerable rudderage (new word--mark it) would have a better chance at keeping the boat on point.

I've never used a windvane, so this may all be drivel.


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[> [> [> [> Wheel/ tiller -- Doug Wilson, - Monday - 04/ 5/10 - 10:17pm

It really didn't take long to pull the worm gear steering and wheel, I still have it, sitting in storage. I had just put 10 coats of varnish on the wheel, and a nice blue nylon turks head on the key spoke.
Anyway, Phil at Norvane was honest and the price was reasonable. He has made 300 of them, and circumnavigated on his own boat with one.
But I have yet to really use it, the test will be this fall.

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[> [> [> [> [> Tiller vs. wheel -- Bruce, - Tuesday - 04/ 6/10 - 4:06pm

I would prefer to have a tiller from a performance standpoint, but have grown quite fond of my old spoke wheel. I also like the steering gearbox for sitting on.

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