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Date Posted: - Saturday - 04/ 3/10 - 6:06pm
Author: scott aumuller m31 BOOJUM
Subject: chainplates
Hi just a question has anyone out there had their chainplates fail ? anyway to check them? It looks hard to change them has anyone done it? I'm doing a general overhaul and BOOJUM doesnt seem to nned them changed but the boat is 40 yrs old any thoughts would be appreciated thanks scott M321 #70
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I have seen the topic brought up - -- Paul M31 #106, - Saturday - 04/ 3/10 - 9:33pm
I believe there is a discussion and template for replacement plates in the projects section...
I am not sure if you should be overly concerned, unless there's reason to be perhaps from a visual inspection.. If they look good but you still have a concen, you could clean them and spray with fluorescant dye penetrant - a blacklight would show if there were any microcracks or compromises from (caustic) embrittlement - the only cause I can think of why they would fail over time...
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chainplates -- scott aumuller m31 BOOJUM, - Sunday - 04/ 4/10 - 6:55am
Thanks mine look good and a rigging survey did not show cause for alarm but I was just wondering if any one had had a problem scott
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Chainplates -- Bruce, - Thursday - 04/ 8/10 - 3:01pm
The Japanese built Mariner chainplates have been known to fail in the section concealed within the plywood just at the point where they pass through the deck. They cannot be inspected unless you remove them, or in the least, unbolt them and slide them up far enough to inspect the concealed portions. I posted a photograph in an earlier post of one of my old chainplates whetre that particular section was rusty and pitted with some material already missing, and about to fail. That promped me to replace all of the chainplates with thicker beefier ones. I have the dxf pattern files for a water jet cutter if you're interested in fabricating new chainplates Let me know if you want photographs. I can email them.
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replacing chainplates -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Friday - 04/ 9/10 - 12:59pm
Hi Bruce,
Did you put the chainplates on the exterior of the hull or through the deck? Inspection would be easier with exterior chainplates.
So far there was significant deterioration on the lower main forward port chainplate. The nuts an bolts attaching the plate to the hull were corroding and the chainplate itself had a visible hair line crack. The mizzen lower showed corrosion under a hand held microscope. So that decided me to replace all the chainplates.
Yours truly, Kathy
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chainplates -- Doug Wilson, - Saturday - 04/10/10 - 3:11pm
Don't forget to check the bobstay tang as well, I replaced mine in November, the holes for the bolts were bigger than the bolt heads.
Only cost $38.00 US and was ready less than 24 hours later. Built with heavier stock as well.
Gotta love Mexico!
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chain plates -- Lyle Harris, - Sunday - 04/11/10 - 10:12pm
I was at Brian Toss's rigging studio in Port townsend, Washington a couple weeks ago and asked about chain plate in general. He asked what kind of boat I had, and I told him I had a Mariner 31.
"ah, the mariner," he said. "pretty good boat, but had lots of chainplate failure."
I looked at mine, which are very hard to survey as they are through the deck, painted, and behind the interior sealing lats. for what I can tell, they look alright. My old bronze turnbuckles are another matter, and I need to replace them right away.
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