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Date Posted: - Monday - 06/ 7/10 - 12:54pm
Author: David R "The Osprey"
Subject: Wrenches
In reply to: Paul M31 #106 's message, "What size are your nuts?" on - Friday - 06/ 4/10 - 1:48pm

So West Marine have adjustable wrenches designed for exactly this job. I went thru this about a year ago and after paying someone to do it restuff the packing gland, CinCHomeCommand explained the appropriations were not going to support this going forward and I better come up with plan B.

After drumming up the courage (all those old B&W ship movies flashed thru my mind) these adjustables worked great and I now have no concerns tacking the job. THe wrenches also work well on other oversized jobs too.

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[> [> Adjustable Locknut Wrenches -- Jared Kibele, - Monday - 06/ 7/10 - 1:52pm

I want to second what David said. I use one of those wrenches (like these: http://www.google.com/products?client=safari&rls=en&q=adjustable+locknut+wrench&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=8S8NTJryEI-wNuWW1bUE&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CDsQrQQwAg). I just use one of those and one super large Crescent wrench. It's a good idea to tie a string onto your wrenches and loop it around something before you start. It's not easy to get the wrenches out of the bilge if you drop them down there.

Here's a photo of my stuffing box when I had it out of the boat. I was a little confused about how to tighten the thing properly until I had it apart and could actually see all the parts. The lock nut is screwed onto the stuffing box in the picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kibele/3934065427/sizes/l/in/set-72157622411146774/

Good luck.

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[> [> [> I should have read the original post a little closer -- Jared Kibele, - Monday - 06/ 7/10 - 2:01pm

Duh. It sounds like you've already got one of those wrenches and are in no need of the photo. ...and unfortunately I didn't measure the nuts when I had the stuffing box out so I can't actually answer your question. A different handle probably would make the job a little easier.

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