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Mariner in WA -- Craig Mariner fo Life, - Saturday - 07/31/10 - 2:38pm
We just bought Hull #41 for $5450. Had some rot round the starboard port lights and a couple of places under the taft rail. Survey's a must depending on asking price. Where is Whisper now? Is she the one in Dockton?
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Whisper -- Steve and Terri Van Matre, - Tuesday - 08/10/10 - 2:22am
We just bought Whisper in July 2010. She is in Astoria, OR. Just barely started working on her. We are very excited to get to know her.
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Mariner in Dockton -- Lyle Harris, - Tuesday - 08/10/10 - 12:30pm
The Mariner in Dockton is M31 #42, GreyWolf, which I purchased 2 years ago for 8k in Olympia. Greywolf is her new name, and her history is vague to me, although there's an international number carved into the beam under the mast.
Greywolf needed a full cockpit/aft deck rebuild. the cabin sides need replacing as well, and all portlights leak. Sails were toast, but I've made new ones. She has a very old Yanmar 16 hp motor, which is pretty solid. Wiring is shot.
Just got back from a month out on her, venturing up to Desolation Sound. Too many stories to tell...
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Hello Whisper and Grey Wolf -- Craig Mariner for Life, - Monday - 08/16/10 - 12:40am
Our M32 had massive leaks on the starboard port lights but a little git-rot solved them instanty (though temporarily). We have a 25' boat in Des Moines but our 32 is in Everett. We should get a Mariner Rendez-vous together some time. Your work on the brightwork sure is evident!
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Rendez-vous in Washington -- Tom Burke, - Thursday - 08/19/10 - 2:29pm
It might be nice to begin planning such an event for next summer. How about Port Townsend at the Wooden Boat Festival?
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Mariner gathering -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Saturday - 08/28/10 - 11:06am
I would hope to not still have my Mariner by the time there is a rendezvous. I would suggest not having at Port Townsend during the Wooden Boat Fest. The available moorage will be full of wooden boats.
Our gang gets together several times a year all over the Puget Sound and San Juans, check out our BB and maybe join us for a "Jump Up."
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Price for my 31 -- Tom Burke, - Thursday - 08/19/10 - 2:28pm
I paid $11k for my 31. It is and is in ok shape for hull#3. It doesn't require much for sailing but does require a great deal of upgrading to make her what she should be. Lots of teak work, replacing all the hoses, tightening clamps, replacing running rigging, brightening this, washing that.
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