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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 07/20/10 - 12:44pm
Author: Jared Kibele
Subject: Photos of Port Settee Storage?

Hi everyone,

Architeuthis has a 'double' (just barely double) berth on the port side of the cabin with a shelf above. I've seen a few other Mariners that have storage built in below the shelves that make that side into a narrower berth or settee. I'm planning to build a storage area in there and would like it to look like it matches the rest of the boat and could have been original. It would help if I could find some good pictures of that area on one of the boats that has storage there. Do any of you have any? I've looked through the owners section of the site and only found a few small pictures that lack the kind of detail I'm looking for.


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[> can take some -- Randall, - Thursday - 07/22/10 - 11:58pm


Give me a sense of the detail you're looking for and I can take some snaps on Murre. She's got the cabinets on both sides.


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[> [> Excellent! -- Jared Kibele, - Friday - 07/23/10 - 12:23pm

I think I have a pretty good idea of how the doors are put together. What I'm most curious about are the the areas at either side of the doors where they go up against the bulkheads and the parts that the hinges attach to. If you could pull the cushions out so that I can see that part, that would be great. I'd also love to see a wide shot that shows the whole port side shelf and storage area (preferably with the cushions out of the way).

Thanks again Randall.

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