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Date Posted: - Friday - 07/23/10 - 11:56am
Author: Capt'n Mike "Gypsy Mariner" TM36K
Subject: Backstay SSB Antenna
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "Ham antenna on a Mariner stay rig" on - Friday - 07/23/10 - 11:11am

I believe what you are describing is that your backstay is split about halfway down going from one wire at the top to two wires at the bottom. Other Mariners like my Tayana Mariner 36 use two separate wires starting at the masthead fitting. You have probably already considered this and do not want the additional expense. If you rerig with two separate wires you can put insulators on one of the backstays and should easily get the 23 feet. That is how Gypsy Mariner's SSB antenna is rigged. Alternatively, I guess you could try changing your split rigging to have about 24 feet below for the two wires (one run allowing the insulators) and the top wire shortened to 13 feet.

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[> Jumping across the split -- Jared Kibele, - Friday - 07/23/10 - 12:37pm

I spoke to a very knowledgeable ham radio guy who's also a sailor and has done a bunch of radio installations on boats. His name is Mike Wapner, (K6QD) and he's part of the Santa Barbara amateur radio club. He told me that you can clamp a short length of cable to the upper part of the stay and to one side of the lower. That way, you join it into one long stay to use as an antenna. I'm a little fuzzy on the insulator set up but I think he said that you should put one at the top, one at the bottom of the side that you're using as an antenna, and one just below the split on the non-antenna side. You'll want to verify that with someone who knows before you go out and buy insulators and start cutting up your rigging. At any rate, he was very adamant that a split backstay could indeed be turned into an antenna.


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