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Date Posted: - Thursday - 08/12/10 - 11:26am
Author: Paul - 1971 mariner 31 - #106
Subject: Big trip this weekend
In reply to: Randall, Murre, Mariner 31 's message, "12x6 is where I ended up" on - Tuesday - 08/10/10 - 12:24pm

I am heading out for a raft up (in Port Jefferson, NY) this weekend - the engine will see a lot of action and I will evaluate the performance some more before I decide whether to make this an issue or not.

After a whole bunch of calculations, I confirmed that at 1600 rpm the engine is putting out exactly the amount of "work" it was designed to do at that rpm...

The power curves of the prop and the engine seem to cross at around that number, which explains why the engine starts bogging down when I try to push it beyond there. But the I ask - why would I want to push beyond hull speed?

Again, I will think about this some more.

Funny thing happened in the process - I contacted a prop shop for their advise - gave them a bunch of information about my set-up and their only response was that my engine did not have a 1:1 tranny. I was wrong on that, they said.

Oh well.

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