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Date Posted: - Friday - 01/30/09 - 3:01am
Author: James Scheh
Subject: Mariner parts M-31

I am just finishing up some work on my boat and have some extra stuff I don't need. I have a set of the port light trim rings , 3 aluminum port holes, a forward hatch in good shape and a full set of hand rails. All this was pulled off my boat and is in good shape. I am open to trades for stuff I need or don't need and just giving it away to a boat in need. The only thing I would take money for are the hand rails. Let me Know if any one is interested. I have posted this on the for sale page and got no takers.


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[> M31 Parts -- Lyle Harris, - Friday - 01/30/09 - 11:13am

Hi James,
I'm interested in some parts for my M31, Starlight. The forward hatch on my boat is shot, and needs to be replaced. It's the old teak one, and I hate to loose it, but the plywood has rotted out. I'm also very interested in more light in the boat, so the portlight trim and port holes are something I would love to get my hands on.
Lyle Harris

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[> [> Mariner Parts -- Brian Sweeney, - Saturday - 01/31/09 - 6:00am

Hey James,

I am also interested, if they are still available. Where are you located? Are there any pictures available?



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[> [> M 31 Parts -- George Andrew (Feeling Tirerd), - Tuesday - 08/18/09 - 7:19pm

Hatch Renovation: It is probably too late to be of help but most mariner yachts suffer from leaky hatches because the internal plywood has delaminated.
I can suggest (in brief outline): (1) Removal of the plywood - poking it out from the frame and upper teak battens and fill the gaps with teak strip using epoxy . (2) Lay up with mat, rovings and core mat (polyester absorbant mat ) to form a 'tray' in both halfs of the hatch underside. (3) Fix tray edges to frame with large head screws. (4) Paint interior.
Also - for the frame corner joints (before laying up repair) - (1) Cut off corners with diagonal cut and replace with block of teak. (2) Fix the new corners to frame (screws and epoxy) and also internally with wood pieces or metal brackets. (3) Trim the outside of corner blocks flush with frame.
I renovated both hatches on 'Legato' (M31) - now strong and watertight. Will send pics to projects if anyone interested.

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