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Date Posted: - Monday - 06/ 8/09 - 2:16pm
Author: Bill Kranidis
Subject: MOA PROJECTS !!!!!!

Hello everyone.

Please check out the "Projects" page of our website to see some new info I have posted in reference to active project links taking place outside of the MOA website.

Fair winds to all and feel free to invite me for a sail one of these days :-)

Bill Kranidis

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[> Wow, Great addition to the site -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Tuesday - 06/ 9/09 - 8:04pm

Love it! Problem is we all are in the middle of some Maringer project or other. I fear you've created a lot more work for yourself. :)

Seriously, very cool addition to the site, Bill.

Thanks from all of us.


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[> [> Not more work -- Terry Bradlow (Sea Voyager), - Wednesday - 06/10/09 - 7:03am

Great Addition to the site Bill !!! Anyways not really a lot more work Randall adding a link is really quite simple. The owners will have all the work maintaining an off site doing they're own posting. Sea Voyager is finally on the hard with masts removed. Just bought a pop up camper to park next to the boat when I'm there doing the work. We'll be leaving Florida for NC July 16th and start tearing up decks. I'll keep everyone posted as to progress and lots of pictures

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[> [> [> Projects -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Wednesday - 06/10/09 - 11:25pm

Thanks for adding the "works in progress" although mine isn't progressing at the moment. I haven't added anything to my blog in a couple of months. Got very busy with paying work and haven't had time to work on the boat. I guess in this economy I shoud feel fortunate to have so much work.

Terry, glad to see you are progessing on your project. Good luck.


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[> Open Invitation -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Friday - 06/12/09 - 1:20pm

Well, Bill, you know you have an open invitation to come sailing on Ta' Ata Ori. We'd be honored to have you on board.
Projects for this weekend: 1) install a grommet in the new mainsail cover and 2) trim some excess line off the new mizzen sheet. Whew! Hope I can get it all done...

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[> [> Finally ready to put the masts back on #42... -- Lyle Harris, - Saturday - 06/13/09 - 11:52am

I can see that I'm in good company in terms of boat projects. over the winter i've rebuild the cockpit, aft decks, painted the cabin, replaced the toilet, stripped/painted masts, built new spreaders, new through-hulls & ball valves, bottom paint, and a hundred little things...

It's been a little intense, but definately a labor of love.
planning for summer sailing, and being out on the water for the 4th of July...
I took some pictures, which I'll send in when I get a little more time...
Lyle Harris.

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[> [> Why, Thank You kind sir :-) -- Bill Kranidis, - Saturday - 06/13/09 - 9:20pm


Don't be surprised to find me sleeping in Ta' Ata Ori's salon when you come aboard one of these days.

I've been known to fly as far as LA from New York for some Mariner get together, you know :-)

It will be MY pleasure to sail on as fine a yacht as Ta' Ata Ori, Lawrence.

Thanks again for the invitation,
Bill Kranidis

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[> New Blog -- Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea, - Tuesday - 08/ 4/09 - 8:59pm

I have set up a new blog for my project.


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[> [> Info Request -- Bill Kranidis, - Tuesday - 08/11/09 - 11:33am


I know your boat was x-"Pyxis" but that's all the info I have. Please send me an email with some more info.

Bill Kranidis

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