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Date Posted: - Thursday - 06/25/09 - 8:24pm
Author: Mark Wooters 'HALO' M32 #42
Subject: leaking lazzerette hatches

Hello to fellow Mariner owners!Halo's cockpit deck was rebuilt by previous owner in '86. The lazzerette hatches leak into the engine room, over time wreeking rusty havoc below. I think the design is similar, if not the same as original. Has anyone else had this problem? After 6 1/2 years on the hard, the refit has begun, and this is an important first order of business. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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[> hatches -- james, - Tuesday - 06/30/09 - 12:45am


When I rebuilt the cockpit on my M-31 I recessed Bomar water tight hatches under my teak hatches. They don't leak a drop and it still looks traditional with with the teak covering them. I also replaced the exterior ice box hatch with a bomar hatch. I will put some photos up if it would be helpful.

James M-31 PYXIS (previously Malolo)

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[> [> hatches -- mark wooters, - Thursday - 07/ 2/09 - 9:13pm

James, thanks for the response! The Bomar hatch looks like the ticket,,correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears I'd have to be in a cockpit rebuild situation to make it feasable. .... Cockpit deck is solid. The port side hatch needs rebuilding.I have a couple ideas, but want to get as much info as possible before I commit. James implied(i think) that leaking cockpit hatches are a Mariner trait. Bound to be more than one solution. Thanks again, Mark

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[> [> [> hatches and names -- mark wooters, - Thursday - 07/ 2/09 - 9:17pm

What I ment to say was Randall implied.

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[> Randall, Murre, M31 -- Hatches 2, - Tuesday - 06/30/09 - 1:41pm

Hatches leak. It's in their nature. If replacing yours, the focus should be on deciding how much leakage you're willing to put up with or feel is safe.

I doubled the width of my hatch scuppers to about 3 inches. This has probably slowed leaking (from rain while in the marina) but it has certainly not stopped it. In winter, my boat cover does what the hatches and scuppers will not, and if it's going to be a particularly wet week, I duct-tape the hatch openings shut to keep out the water.

While sailing and in a good blow with lots of water in the cockpit, plenty will get below even now. I've contemplated building tight fitting, canvas covers for the hatches when at sea to help make sure the hatches stay closed and to keep "green" water out. I don't think there's any hope at all of keeping the lockers dry.

Only two good options I can think of:

1. Build hatch covers that vertically overlap the lazarette "box" in a way that mimics most good quality fiberglass boats. Many of these are essentially a box that fits over a box. I delivered a boat from Hawaii to Seattle a few years ago that had cockpit hatch covers like this. In rough weather it wasn't dry inside these either, but this is a huge improvement.

2. Build them water tight much like James did. I've included a couple photos with out his permission (hope that's OK James).


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[> [> hatches -- mark wooters, - Thursday - 07/ 2/09 - 9:28pm

Randall, Thanks for the reply. How deep are your scuppers/ gutters? Did you make them wider during a deck rebuild? Do you have any pics? I'd like to say I can tollerate very little leakage! Dry lockers and engine would be heavenly ... Mark

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[> Scuppers -- Randall, M31, Murre, - Thursday - 07/ 2/09 - 10:17pm

I don't have any pictures of the suppers per se.

If you'll go through my cockpit rebuild article, you can get glimpses of them.

Article here: http://www.marineryachts.com/projects/murre/cockpit/Cockpit%20Footwell%20Rebuild.htm

Look at Image 008 and Image 040.

The cockpit was rebuilt (badly) by a former owner and the hatches greatly enlarged from the Mariner original size. The scuppers are simply 3 x 1 white oak tacked to the cockpit frame and with a half moon facing up to catch the water. Again, not ideal.

This is more what I'm talking about when I say a box over a box: Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

QuickPost Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

It might be harder to do in wood.


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