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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 07/ 7/09 - 5:48pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Tell the rigger, not too tight
In reply to: Lyle Harris 's message, "M31 tuning the rigging" on - Tuesday - 07/ 7/09 - 3:45pm

Hey Lyle,

Weird for sure!

One word of advice to the rigger is not to tighten down like he's working w/a fiberglass boat and a keel stepped mast. Most of those guys are use to cranking in until you can play a tune on the rig, and that can easily damage our deck stepped, wood framed arrangement.

Several of us have been victim to an over-eager rigger.

Have him tune to rig like it's a wooden boat.


Interesting situation though.

Hard to figure what it would be as a mistake in placement of rigging or spreaders would cause looseness one place but wire that wouldn't fit in another.

Some questions come to mind:

-Is it possible the turn buckle on the bob stay was loosened and needs to be brought back in? Is your bow sprit riding up? Is the turnbuckle under the roller furler (if you have one) back to is normal position?

-Any chance the main spreaders were made to mizzen length, or got swapped?

-Any chance you swapped two of the main lowers for the split backstays? The lowers are two feet longer than the splits.

-Did you run the back stay to the chainplates furtherst aft?

-Maybe the mast shrunk when you pulled the paint off?

Interested to know what you figure out.


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[> [> tuning -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Wednesday - 07/ 8/09 - 10:13am

Let it all out and tighten each wire the same number of turns until the whole rig is lightly tensioned.
I had the same issue with Hibou; the backstay turnbuckles were tightened all the way but the backsatys were slack. It turned out the whole rig was over tightened and was crushing the cabin top which made the closet and cabin doors hard to open and close.

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[> [> [> could be my problem too? -- David Barrow, - Tuesday - 07/21/09 - 10:40pm

after reading your post, I recall my cabin doors are sticking and the engine hatches are too tight, perhaps I've overtightened my rigging so that I'm crushing the cabin and deck.

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