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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 07/ 8/09 - 11:49pm
Author: Lyle harris
Subject: More tuning the rigging
In reply to: Capt'n Mike 's message, "Check the bobstay" on - Wednesday - 07/ 8/09 - 10:56am

Thanks for all the observations here! A good friend of mine is an experienced wooden boat guy who went over all possible clues.
chain plates are solid. no movement there.
Forestay turnbuckle was not evenly threaded, so couldn't tighten all the way down.
Bobstay was tight enough, no rise in the bowsprit.
One turnbuckle on the backstay had a toggle, the other didn't. I removed the toggle to gain another 2 inches there.

We loosened everything up, and worked on the mid-mast shrouds that connect at the spreaders. Once we had that looking right, we worked on the upper shrouds, forestay and backstay. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten the SS wire for seizing the spreaders to the rigging, so the sagging issue will be addressed tomorrow.
the end result is that i can get the tension/tautness I need in the backstay and shrouds now. Once I get the spreaders set, I'll have to give the boat some sea trials and see what the rigging wants to do.
ps: M31 #42 will be named Grey Wolf. We'd played with the name starlight since we bought her in October, but it didn't seem a good fit, and there is another "starlight" in the harbor.

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