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Date Posted: - Friday - 07/24/09 - 1:30pm
Author: Jared Kibele
Subject: I'm glad someone agrees
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "With you on that..." on - Friday - 07/24/09 - 1:38am

I've talked to a number of people about this including a couple of boatwrights and riggers. Most of the time I've just gotten blank stares in response. ...I think this may be the first time I've been able to explain myself properly. Still, it's good to have someone who knows these boats so well agree with me.

I recently got a chance to see the inside of a slightly later Mariner 31 (hull #30-something just moved into my marina, John who's last name I can't remember - I have his card somewhere). I noticed that his mast step arch has two beams across where my boat (hull #9) only has one: (http://www.flickr.com/photos/kibele/3520930768/in/set-72157617972117480/). So I think my boat is particularly susceptible to having the roof cave in under the main mast and, with only one narrow beam, fore or aft tilting seems especially likely.

To complicate matters more, the whole deck and house including the coach roof were rebuilt by a previous owner so it's entirely possible that he angled the mast step incorrectly.

With my temporary compression post thingy, I've already raised the roof by about a half inch and I'm building steel braces for both sides of the mast support arch. I'm going to take the mast down soon and when I do, I think I'm going to brace the roof behind the mast support arch. Once that's done, I want get a bronze wedge made to put under the mast step to get the rake back into the bottom of the mast.

Should be a piece of cake, right?


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