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Date Posted: - Saturday - 08/22/09 - 11:51pm
Author: Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea
Subject: Answering my own question
In reply to: Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea 's message, "Cutlass bearing replacement" on - Friday - 08/21/09 - 4:07pm

After a lot of discussion with my local supplier about available sizes and was this thing standard or metric it turns out that it is both. Shaft dimension is 1 1/8" and the outside diameter is 45mm. According to the distributor my contact called this size is not unheard of but it is unusual and not a stock item. I'm still waiting to hear back from him about cost and lead time but at least I can get one which I was worried about after figuring out the SAE/metric combo.

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[> [> Good to know -- Mark (Aeolus), - Monday - 08/24/09 - 8:48am

Thanks for the follow-up Steve. I asked the same question back in April. Doug Wilson said he might be pulling his sometime in the future, but good to know it's not a shelf item and needs to be had before the boats out of the water. Thanks Again, Mark

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[> [> Cutlass Bearing -- Bill Kranidis, - Monday - 08/24/09 - 1:52pm

1 1/8" is a very common size for a cutlass bearing and every repsectable marine store should have one in stock. Item cost is minimal and he should not charge you more than an hour's worth of labor.

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[> [> [> Cutless bearing -- Mike Anthony, - Monday - 08/24/09 - 3:12pm

Bill is correct, I also have 1.125" shaft and had to replace mine. While it was two years ago I believe I purchased mine at West Marine. It was under $100. You should have no problem. However, if you do I will go back and look up the information on mine. Good Luck

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[> [> [> [> Cutlass Bearing -- Mark (Aeolus), - Monday - 08/24/09 - 3:36pm

I know DeepBlue Yacht Supply in Davie FL has (4) 1-1/8 ID bearings, but the OD's are; 1-1/2, 1-5/8, 1-3/4 ,and 2". The price is $50 to $60. But no mention of a metric OD.

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[> [> OD is the key -- Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea, - Wednesday - 08/26/09 - 11:13pm

I know 1 1/8" is a very common size. It is the outside diameter that is the problem. I was having a lot of trouble figuring out what it actually was using my calipers because it just didn't measure up to any of the available sizes in SAE. The shaft diameter was spot on @ 1.125 but the closest I could get in measurement was 45mm. Finally I put a piece of wood in my lathe and turned it to 45mm. Presto! A perfect fit.

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[> [> Why not... -- GeneVT TM 36C "SANDPIPER", - Thursday - 08/27/09 - 9:55am

purchase a bearing with the proper ID and an oversized OD, then, take it to a local machine shop and have the OD turned to your 45mm requirement?

Best wishes,


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