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Date Posted: - Sunday - 08/23/09 - 6:31am
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: Mariner 40 prop
In reply to: Alan 's message, "Mariner 40 propellar" on - Friday - 08/21/09 - 4:20pm

We have a Westerbeke 64, the original suggestion was a 21", however, my mariner only has a 1.125" shaft so the final selection was 18x15. At full throttle we turn 2600, which is top rpm for this engine. It will push Tivoli to 7 knots at 2200 rpm. I generally run it around 1800 and this will give me 6 knots and gives me about 1 gallon per hour usage on our diesel. The calculation was made by Michagan prop. I installed a 3 bladed sailorman prop.

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[> [> Prop -- Brian, - Sunday - 08/30/09 - 12:42pm


I just replaced my prop, Shaft, cutass bearing and coupling on my Mariner 36. I have a Perkins 4-107 that runs very strong, the trans is a Borg Warner. I think the ratio is 2.53 to 1.
The hull displaces 22,000 lbs. I had a 18" X 12 pitch 2 blade, left hand prop. I was able to reach 3000 RPM's (the 2 blade was very skinney)
I replaced it with a 3 Blade 18" X 10 pitch, left hand prop and am very happy with it. I get around 2800-2900 RPM's. It is much smoother with no vibration. At 2000 RPM's I reach about 5 1/2 to 6 knots.
If you have a Borg Warner transmission the ratio is attached on a plate that is bolted on the top, port side of the trans. I cleaned mine up with a little pumice hand cleaner to read it.

Good Luck

Brian Sweeney 1973 M36 Hull #9

My email is Sweendo44@aol or if you are in the USA call me if you would like 661-713-4371

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[> [> [> M40 Prop -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Monday - 08/31/09 - 1:23pm

We run a 3-bladed, 18 inch X 14 pitch left-handed prop on Ta' Ata Ori. The engine is the original Perkins 4-107, with a Borg-Warner transmission. We usually motor along at about 1800 to 2000 RPM. She'll make 6 knots at 2000 RPM in flat water.

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