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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 08/25/09 - 10:51am
Author: Bill Kranidis
Subject: By The Way......
In reply to: Bill Kranidis 's message, "Clipper Bow" on - Tuesday - 08/25/09 - 10:48am

What is the name and hull# of your boat ???

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[> [> [> [> Clipper Bow -- Kathy Campbell M32 Shadow, - Tuesday - 08/25/09 - 12:44pm

Hi Mike,
I also painted Shadow's hull, but first I had to repair the stress cracks where the clipper bolts to the hull. First used was Get Rot which was squeezed into the cracks then the area was glassed over, hopefully to last another 40 years. If you still want to remove the clipper you can get to the hanger bolts ( I think that's what was used to attach the clipper to the bow ) from the inside of the hull. I hope you have long arms cause it's a long stretch.
Yours truly, Kathy

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[> [> [> [> [> I did replace the clipper bow -- Ardian M 31 # 98 Taygeta, - Tuesday - 08/25/09 - 11:13pm

look at the pics of my boat and you will see that I did replace it . There are 3 screws holding it to the hull and you will find out once you remove it . Just pull it moving it left and right and will come out without any problem . It is rotten and will come out easy . Than measure the screws because I can't remember the size . based on the old one cut the new and round the edges . than put the screws but while there is still a little space between the clipper and the hull fill it with some kind of filler and once you tighten the screws wipe out the excess filler by giving the round shape .where it meet the hull . than you glass it . putty and sand it . You will enjoy doing it . Ask if you need more info . Later .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Clipper Bow -- Tom Roberts (M32 #4 Island Lady), - Wednesday - 09/ 2/09 - 9:20pm

I am in the process of reinstalling my clipper bow. . . mine was soggy, and rotten! The backing on the plaques was completely rotted also, and broke into many unusable pieces. Any chance you had to redo these parts also, and if so, any ideas on material choice, and construction ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> backing material -- Randall, M31, Murre, - Thursday - 09/ 3/09 - 1:14am

I have an M31 w/out the clipper bow, but have rebacked a fair number of through hull fasteners, including all through hulls and the bow sprit tang.

I used plywood as backing material thoroughly soaked in penetrating epoxy and holes generously gooped with 5200. Six years later all is well.

I like plywood for this application (all the original backing was plywood too) because it won't split if put under the uneven pressure of a non flat surface as a solid piece might. It can compress, however, so large washers are a must.

Not sure that was the question you were asking, but hope that helps.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Backing Material -- Tom Roberts (S/V Island Lady), - Saturday - 09/ 5/09 - 8:14pm

Thanks Randall. . .not sure what type of material was used originally, but I do have plenty of plywood scraps left after cockpit rebuild, cabin house repair, deck work, and making the new clipper bow! The backing appears to be about 1.5 inches thick, at one point, and tapers down to a small sliver at each end where the plaque contacts the hull and the clipper bow. I thought about mounting the plaque, and then filling the open void with some type of mixture that would harden and provide support(sturdier than foam, but lighter than epoxy). When will I learn than there is no such thing as an easy fix when it comes to boat work!


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[> [> [> [> clipper bow -- Mike Normandeau, - Thursday - 09/10/09 - 12:49pm

Hi Bill The name of my boat you asked about is Northern Light. M31 hull # 145. I have been doing a refurb last 5 years. New decks, tanks ,cockpit,etc. 80% complete.

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