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Date Posted: - Thursday - 09/10/09 - 8:11pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Murre's Prop
In reply to: Bruce 's message, "Borg Warner Velvet Drive" on - Friday - 09/ 4/09 - 1:48pm

Hey Bruce,

Murre has a three blade 12 inch x 6 pitch prop on a 1:1 ratio transmission in a 4108. I know for a fact the tranny is 1:1 because I had a look at the plate when I had the cockpit out--thought I'd taken a picture, but now can't find it.

Some years back I replaced the old 12x6 (it was pink as a rose) to a 13x8 at the recommendation of the local prop guy who said the "engine was rated for 13x8".

I was very happy with the prop at first. LOTS of power, and it took me some time to realize that the prop kept the engine from developing its appropriate rpms. I don't remember the number, but I only got about 2/3rds of the rpm range I'd gotten with the 12x6. I could push the throttle wide open; I'd get plenty of black smoke, but no more rpms.

The Perkins guy I talked to said the 13x8 prop was indeed fine for the engine, but not on a tranny that was 1:1, and that I was damaging the engine by maxing it out at such low rpms.

So I went back to 12x6. If your boat is like mine, 12x6 is plenty and gives you all the control you're going to get on our old boats.

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[> [> Thanks for the Information. -- Bruce, - Monday - 09/14/09 - 1:22pm

Thanks for the information, Randall. FYI, I sailed to the annual "Cleat" cruise (est. 1974) this last weekend. I'll tell you more about it later.

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[> [> [> Saw you -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Monday - 09/14/09 - 8:35pm

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was anchored at Paradise Cove when the "parade" of boats came around Pt. San Pedro and climbed back toward Racoon. Saw Gitana Vela, jib and jigger, clear as day. Beautiful. Seemed you were hauling a** on Jamie's Dreadnaught.

I didn't weigh until 2pm and got beat up by the squalls passing through, not to mention the rain. One minute I'm on my ear, and then nothing. What weird weather.

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[> [> [> [> Cleat Cruise (Est. 1974) -- Bruce, - Tuesday - 09/15/09 - 12:40pm

Why, thank you Randall. Indeed Jodie's Tahiti Ketch is slow, but she sure is pretty. The wind did pick up once we got past the bridge, so I doused the main as I don't have the reefing lines installed yet. BTW - I was bequeathed the "Cleat" Plaque at the barbaque Saturday night, so you and JoAnne must attend the cruise next year, since I have been bestowed the honor of organizing the Cleat Cruise for next year. It will be end of August, but I have to check the tides when the tide books are published for 2010 to determine the exact date. All other Mariner owners are also welcome to attend. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=30231453&id=1518711799&ref=nf

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