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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 10/14/09 - 2:14pm
Author: Kathy Campbell M32 Shadow
Subject: Cockpit Rebuild-Finally

Well, I finally got brave enough to -bite the bullet- and rip out the back deak on my M32. I kept procrastinating
cause much of the plywood looked ok, that was until I took some of the teak off. Wrong. Even the good plywood needed replacing. So, that's where I'm at at this moment, ripping out the last of it, and yes, I did buy Joubert Okoume-sshu a lot lighter pocket book.
The question I have now is can some of you M31 er's tell me the dimension's of the 31 cockpit, cause that's the plan I'll use to rebuild. Also, the large splash board that runs from the cabin aft, I wanted to hear what you felt about designing it a few inches lower? If the cockpit is being designed for offshore should I keep it original?
Yours truly, Kathy

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[> Measurements -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Thursday - 10/15/09 - 6:17pm

Hey Kathy, congrats on your new project (yikes!).

Re the measurements, I didn't include any except the overall length of the well (56" plus or minus) in my cockpit rebuild write-up because the well dimensions were defined by the existing structures, the over-engine cockpit supports and the "bulkhead" at the aft of the existing cockpit. I failed to take the depth of the well before tearing it up, and had to get that from others. I can measure this over the next week or so if you think it would be valuable.

As to the splashboard, there's nothing sacred about the height of it on the M31. Design it for your own comfort--back comfort as you sit against it; a comfortable break from the wind and a guard against water.

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[> cockpit -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Thursday - 10/15/09 - 11:02pm

Are the M31 and the M32 cockpits supposed to be the same size?
I just went out and measured the cockpit well on my M32 and it is 42x 26 x13. It was rebuilt sometime in the past so that may not be the original size.
Good luck on your project Kathy.

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[> Rebuild -- Kathy Campbell M32 Shadow, - Saturday - 10/17/09 - 2:00am

Thanks Dan and Randell for your reply. Hold off on your deck measurements. I'll be doing a lot of modifications on the deck, the same as the cockpit. And yes your measurements of Independence cockpit is close to Shadow's, Dan. The 32's and 31's are probably the same. I also found termite damage when the deck came off, but it wasn't active. Maybe the critter's got seasick an went over board. I'm hoping I can get Shadow back to sea before the end of the year. My carpenter said he needs to get back to his regular job soon so there's probably gonna be a lot of saw dust flying, I hope.
Yours truly, Kathy

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