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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 10/20/09 - 12:17am
Author: Jason Elder (my dumb commputer)
Subject: Help me post my M31 on this site

Can someone help me get "MANANA" official on this site?
My commputer is not allowing me to e-mail my specs to the "owners" page! ARRRRRRRGGHH....
my name is jason elder
Santa Barbara ca.
1968 M31 hull# 10
purchased from desperado in Moro Bay, ca. Oct.2009
Have pics, but cant email 'em from my computer.
At least we can mark up the where abouts of hull#10 now!
Much thanks again Forum!!!

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[> Manana hull # 10 -- Kathy M32 Shadow, - Thursday - 10/22/09 - 10:45am

Hi Jason, welcome to the gang. If you've already tried the membership on the home page and your membership won't go through on your computer, then use a friends computer or go to the library and use one of theirs. Don't feel to bad, I still can't post pictures on the site, but it's not my computers fault. So, do you have a slip for your new Mariner at Santa Barbara? Santa Barbara was Shadow's original home port, but they laughed at me when I tried to get signed up for a slip. Your's truly, Kathy

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[> Info on a boat -- Bill Kranidis, - Sunday - 10/25/09 - 7:58pm


send me an email with photos attached and all info. Just click on my name highlighted in blue and send the email from there.

Bill Kranidis

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[> I met your boat a couple of months ago -- Jared Kibele, - Tuesday - 10/27/09 - 1:37pm

Hi Jason,

I own M31 hull #9, Architeuthis. In a really odd coincidence a friend of ours called my wife a month or two ago and said that his buddy had bought a boat in Morro Bay and that he was helping him bring it down to Santa Barbara (where we live). When she asked what kind of boat it was, he said a Mariner 31 so we went down to the harbor to meet them and it turned out to be hull #10. I'm still freaked out by the level of coincidence. Our boats must have sat next to each other in the boat yard in Japan over 40 years ago and then, out of the blue, a friend of a friend bought it and sailed it into our town.

As I understand it, our friend's friend decided to move to hawaii and not keep the boat. I guess that's where you came in! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the boat. The people on this website have helped me out a lot and I'd love to be able to return the favor.

-Jared Kibele

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