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Date Posted: - Sunday - 11/ 8/09 - 10:47pm
Author: James (m-31" Pyxis")
Subject: Pyxis on Her Way

Hello every one M-31 Pyxis left Half Moon Bay Ca. about two weeks ago and has been in San Diego for 5 days. We will head south on Thursday. I want to thank everyone on the forum for all the info I have gathered over the last year and a half since I bought Pyxis Hull # 14 ( formerly Malolo). I made several upgrades based on the sites form discussions and am happy with every one of them. The boat performed flawlessly on the way down. I have no doubt she will continue to do so as I move south and west. Thanks Sam and Virginia for setting a new sailor on the right course in the right boat. Thanks Randall for sailing with me that one one sail taught me so much. Thanks Bruce for answering all my silly questions and sailing down to see me off.

Sincerely James

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[> Sea of Cortez -- Bruce, - Tuesday - 11/10/09 - 12:35pm

Fair voyages, James. Hope to see you in the Sea of Cortez after Christmas. We will be in touch

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[> Bon Voyage -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Friday - 11/20/09 - 12:51pm


We wish you the best, man! Pleasure to get to know you and Malolo/Pyxis. Enjoy Mexico and beyond...


I met James just as I was finishing up 08 projects on Murre and just as James was beginning his. As I left the San Rafael yacht harbor, Matt, the Harbor Master, put then Malolo into the same covered slip where Murre had spent the winter getting a new aft cabin bulkhead. It's now dubbed the “M31” slip. Over the course of several months, James redid ... EVERYTHING. He rebuilt the rudder, cabin sides, and cockpit and reglassed the coach roof. He installed external chainplates and re rigged the boat with aluminum masts. He rewired much of the boat. And more besides ... much more, and all in the course of a year. After she got her new hull and deck paint, he renamed his transformed boat to Pyxis, and he took off, which was always his plan.

Bruce sailed M31 Gitana Vela, also largely rebuilt over the last year and looking proud with her new, varnished mast, deck paint and bright work, down to Half Moon Bay to see him off properly. Sadly, I had to drive to Half Moon Bay, but at least I got to be there.

A picture for your entertainment (click to enlarge):


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[> and Gitana Vela...WOW! -- Randall, - Friday - 11/20/09 - 12:54pm

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[> [> Mexico -- Doug Wilson, - Monday - 11/23/09 - 6:18pm

I will be in La Paz until at least December 8th, at Marina Don Jose. There are at least two other Mariner's here in the Sea, and another on the Mexican mainland.
It's very crowded in La Paz right now, with the Ha-Ha fleet, slips are hard to find, hope it's cleared out by the time you're here.
Look me up on Cactus Tree.

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