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Date Posted: - Friday - 12/18/09 - 6:36pm
Author: Bill Kranidis
Subject: Behind a little
In reply to: Paul - 1971 mariner 31 - #106 's message, "How does one go about entering/changing the owners page?" on - Thursday - 12/17/09 - 10:54am

Hi guys.

Paul, I did get your request. I was overseas for almost the whole month of November for VERY personal reasons. I updated the website based on the order the requests were received. The next update is coming soon. Along with yours, there is a great update on a "Bow Sprit Installation" article that Randall send me and Jake's "Main Mast Support" idea as well. Hang in there......especially now with the Holidays upon us, time is limited and in very short supply :-)

Bill Kranidis

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[> [> Thanks and Welcome Back -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Monday - 12/21/09 - 7:22pm


Thanks again for maintaining the site so well over the years. Lord knows where you find the time. But we sure do appreciate it.

While you were away, the other board members and I took a vote and have decided to honor your request for a short, ***official*** leave of absence each year. We will need to have the time of your leave announced and posted at least six months in advance, and it will require majority board approval before you book plane tickets; prior to approval, all searches on Expedia will crash the site. Moreover, we will need a signed affidavit, which we will keep in a glass case at the Smithsonian next to the Declaration of Independence (or under the Spirit of St. Louis, depending on the month), that clearly states your intentions to return and on which specific day. This latter point was an issue of some debate amongst board members and was only resolved after Kathy, Paul, Steve, Dan and Bruce threatened filibuster (Mark on Aeolus was the only M31/32 dissenter), so I don’t think there’s much room for compromise here. I know this agreement doesn’t really give you the freedom of movement you were looking for, but I hope you will see that it is better than having to wear Martha Stewart’s ankle bracelet or have a padlock on your front gate. In fact, it really goes to show how much the board really values your contribution that they are now so loath to give you even a short leash.



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[> [> [> You're killing me, man -- Bill Kranidis, - Tuesday - 12/29/09 - 2:43pm

I'm laughing my ass off here :-)

Updates are up, but because you're a wiseass, I left the red circle out :-)


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[> [> [> [> Excellent! And that'll teach me for trying to be cute! :) -- Randall, - Tuesday - 12/29/09 - 7:35pm

Thanks again, man! Much appreciated.

By the way, that's two red circles you've left out. One was on the Deck Rebuild article. Guess I won't try that again. :) :)


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