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Date Posted: - Sunday - 01/ 3/10 - 10:30pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Thanks, Mark! And Comments...
In reply to: Mark (AEOLUS) M31 's message, "M31 Sprit Project" on - Sunday - 01/ 3/10 - 8:21pm

PULPIT: Ya, I was relieved at not having to remove the pulpit, if only for not having to rewire it. As it turned out the lifelines held it in place just fine, but I did run a halyard to the end of the pulpit just in case.

CRANSE IRON BEDDING: I used some left over 5200 (not exactly bedding compound) for the cranse iron fasteners ONLY. I squirted Smiths into the fastener holes first. (Incidentally, the OLD sprit was compressing at the base of the cranse iron. When Bruce asked me if it was also pulling the fasteners aft, I replied, "What fasteners?" The cranse iron was drilled for fasteners, but they'd never been installed, and their service had never occurred to me.) I believe Bruce used Mahogany 5200 to fill the gap between the cranse iron and the sprit. We both shaved a bit too much off during the fitting process. I haven't filled mine yet, but am thinking to fill with epoxy, which should water proof the area but also let go of the iron with a good whack of the hammer when the time comes. That's just a theory at this point.

VARNISH: I don't know Signatures, but, given this one experience, I can recommend Bristol. It's very easy to work with once you get the right measuring system down and goes on nicely with foam brushes. Plenty of pot life (but then, it's cold here, so it should). Multiple coats in one day without sanding is a big plus. And it smells wonderfully, addictively evil. I've never had the pleasure of heroine, but this stuff smells like what I figure heroine should smell like. Can't comment yet on how it holds up, but is supposed to be quite durable.

PULPIT GRATING PAINT: No, but it was previously varnished. I took the varnish off the top, but the varnish on the underside is in good shape.

BRASS STAR: I got it years ago from the Wooden Boat Foundation in Port Townsend, Washington (http://shop.woodenboat.org/default.aspx). $26.00. I don't see it on the site now, so not sure that they still sell it. Didn't install it then because it was too big for the old sprit end. It's too big for the new one too, and if you look closely at the photo, you'll see that I had to clip off and round over the top point.

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