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Date Posted: - Monday - 09/ 8/08 - 11:31am
Author: Gitano
Subject: Spreader Angles

Does anyone know the angle created by the slight upward loft of the spreaders from the main and mizzen masts? I am about to have new spreader tangs fabricated, and my old ones are really bent up from dismasting.

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[> spreader angles -- Jared, - Monday - 09/ 8/08 - 6:50pm

I don't know what the angles are but I could do one of two things (or both). If someone knows how far up the mast the spreaders are (I don't have a long enough tape to measure), we could calculate the angle (after getting a few more measurements). The other option is that I can go up my mast and measure. I'll have to make sure they're bisecting the angle of the shroud first (I need to do that anyway).

My main mast tangs could use replacing too. If possible I'd like to get in on the fabrication deal. Perhaps your fabricator could give us a volume discount? I suppose I should make sure, first of all, that this is a Mariner 31 we're talking about.

At any rate, I'll try to get up my mast again sometime this week to make measurements and take some pictures (to make sure our tangs are the same). Please feel free to email me.

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[> [> Calculated Angles -- Gitano, - Tuesday - 09/ 9/08 - 11:40am

Thanks Jared. It would be much appreciated if you could measure the angles. Yes I'll find out about the spreader tangs. The new spreaders will have tangs at top and bottom of the spreaders, and the "spade" which slices through the middle, and has been found to be a primary source of water intrusion, will be removed. I have already made sketches and can scan and email them to you. That way you can verify the fastener locations to make sure they match up with your mast.

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[> [> [> Sketches -- Jared, - Tuesday - 09/ 9/08 - 9:24pm

That would be great if you could email me the sketches.


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[> Measured Angles -- Jared, - Monday - 09/15/08 - 1:28pm

I did measure the spreader angles. I used a little clear plastic angle measure doo-dad that I got at the hardware store a while back. Here's what I came up with:

Starboard side:
Angle between mast and spreader above spreader: 82
Angle between mast and spreader below spreader: 99
Angle between shroud and spreader above spreader: 83
Angle between shroud and spreader below spreader: 84
Shroud angle around end of spreader: 167

Port Side:
Angle between mast and spreader above spreader: 83
Angle between mast and spreader below spreader: 98
Angle between shroud and spreader above spreader: 82.5
Angle between shroud and spreader below spreader: 85.5
Shroud angle around end of spreader: 167

Looking at these numbers, it's clear that my measurements are not 100% accurate. For instance the angles above and below the spreaders along the mast should add up to 180 but they actually add up to 181. The other thing that you might notice is that my spreaders don't perfectly bisect the shroud angle (particularly on the port side - I'll have to get up there and make another adjustment). At any rate, I think the correct spreader angle (between mast and spreader, above the spreader) would be 83.5 degrees (plus or minus 1 degree).

Let me know if you have any questions.

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[> [> Spreader Height -- Gitano, - Tuesday - 09/16/08 - 4:10pm

Wow! thank you very much. Would it be possible to also measure the distance between the main spreaders and coach house roof? (how high up the main mast are the spreaders located?)

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