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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 09/23/08 - 1:39pm
Author: SteveB
Subject: Bulk head tabs...help!!

Hello again,
I'm replacing some of the bulkheads on my M31, the ply is soft where it joins to the hull via fiberglass tabs. Am I better off removing the old ply and tabs and re-glassing the new bulkheads into place, OR can I clean out the old, soft ply from the tabs and reuse the old tabs (which already fit the (new) ply and are positioned correctly throughout the boat.

Any help will be appreciated,

Thanks again,


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[> Re-tabbing -- SteveC M-32 #59, - Tuesday - 09/23/08 - 7:08pm

The ply needs to be bonded to the tabs. While I suppose you could slather some epoxy to bond the old tabs and the new ply that is not optimal. Best bet is grind off the old tabs and redo them using epoxy resin this time as it will bond to the ply unlike the polyester which was used originally.

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[> Yes, to both -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Tuesday - 09/23/08 - 8:22pm

Hey Steve, I agree with Steve. (hee hee.)

I'd pull both the bulkhead (sounds like you're there already) and the tabbing. The bulkhead adds a lot of stiffness and strength to the boat, but if it's soft at the ends, there's now way it can serve its function.

Redoing the tabs gives you the opportunity to
-use better, heavier tape (like x tape).
-make the tabs wider on both the hull and bulkhead (I've looked at my tabbing and if I were redoing bulkheads now I'd make them deeper both ways).

It will also guarantee a good bond as you'll be massaging a wet tab to the bulkhead instead of trying to force a hard bulkhead to the old, hard tab.

There should be enough other markers to allow correct positioning, even after the old tabing is ground out.

Steve's remark about using epoxy, not polyester, resin is right on.

Also (and this is the fun part) it's best to leave a little room between the bulkhead and the hull, this to avoid hard spots in the hull later. I fill the void w/some sort of goop and tab over that while it's still soft so it forms easily to the hull and tab.

Here's how I delt witht he quarter berth bulkhead on Murre: http://www.voy.com/119861/2362.html

My two cents.

Good luck.


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[> [> Thanks -- Steve B, - Wednesday - 09/24/08 - 10:40am

Hi all,

Thanks for the tips, I'll start from scratch.

PS: I was reading Randall's step by step rebuild document this morning at 4:00am. Lot's of good information there. It's intersting how different my M31 #55 is than Murre's, especially in the cockpit area. The later hulls (like Murre) must have incorporated some design evolution.

Thanks again.

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