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Date Posted: - Monday - 10/13/08 - 7:04pm
Author: Lawrence Killingsworth - M40 Ta' Ata Ori
Subject: Thank You
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "Wow, what a boat!" on - Tuesday - 10/ 7/08 - 10:11pm

Thanks so much for your kind words, Randall.
The narrative on our page has now been updated, too, so you can read about all the work we have done this year. Basically: everything. New spars and booms and rigging and sails and bottom. You name it. We are really tickled about how she turned out. Better than new and she sails like a dream.
Our sailing season is over for this year, but come see us when the snow melts for some fijord-sailing on Lake Pend Oreille.
I was sorta thinking about retiring and taking her out on the ocean -- after all, I own a sextant, don't I? -- but those plans may have to wait until my retirement account gets back up above zero. Oh well...

Ahoy, avast and all that,

-- Lawrence

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[> You tell me ? -- Bill Kranidis, - Tuesday - 10/14/08 - 6:07pm

It took me 3 weeks to update the website.....I was SO mesmerized by those photos, I kept looking at them and looking at them and forgot about posting them :-)

Those shots are absolutely great. It's pics like that that'll make me to go out and get me a M40 one of these days :-)

Beautiful boat and photos, Lawrence.......THANKS !!!

PS. Randall.......Great job on the prologue in Sharon's "Pacific Lady", buddy.

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[> [> Chase Boat Photographer -- Lawrence Killingsworth - M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Wednesday - 10/15/08 - 11:15am

Thanks for the compliments, Bill, and mostly thank you for posting the new photos and keeping the website so Bristolfashion.
A sailing friend of ours was out on his boat one sunny afternoon and he took 153 shots from all angles of us going to weather in about 15 - 20 knots of breeze. (I didn't send 'em all in to you, though.)
A few weeks later, in light air, he took about 700 shots of us flying the spindrifter, mizzen stays'l (both black and gold), main and mizzen, for a total of 1978 sq feet of sail. I'll send you a couple of those.
So, yep, I would enthusiastically endorse your going out and getting a Mariner 40. They take some tender loving care, but wow, are they fun to sail.

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