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Autopilot settings -- Jared, - Tuesday - 11/11/08 - 4:03pm
Hi Craig,
I can't remember all of the settings off the top of my head but I do remember that the rudder gain setting seemed to make the biggest difference. I ended up with it near the top of the range. I think it goes to 9 and I think mine is now set to 8. Before I did that it wouldn't stay on course with following seas. After I made that change we went around Point Conception with short period, eight foot following seas in 20 - 25 knot winds and the autopilot steered great. We motored through that but also sailed down wind on auto during other parts of the trip.
I think I also significantly increased the level of the autotrim. That lets the pilot apply more standing helm and seemed to make a big difference while we were under sail.
I won't get a chance to get down to the boat until next weekend. If you'd like, I can try to get the exact settings for you but I suspect they'll be a little different on everyone's boat and that you'll need to adjust them for different conditions. In that respect, the gyro-compass model would be nice but with enough manual tweaking mine seems to do pretty good.
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