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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 12/ 9/08 - 1:35am
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Pacific Lady, Reviews on Amazon

Random thought.

I've seen from the board that several of you have read Sharon Adam's book, PACIFIC LADY.

I was wondering if her Mariner Community readers might consider writing a book review on Amazon.com. One of you, a Captain George, already has and gave her five stars (nice!). But she's only got that one review.

A few more of us writing even short reviews might help the book get more notice.

Thanks in advance for considering.


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[> Forward -- Gitano, - Wednesday - 12/24/08 - 3:33pm

I bought the book and read the forward, which I thought was good reading. I'll post a review on Amazon once I borrow the book from my sister, whom will be receiving it from me as a Christmas Present. I have to wait to read it until she reads it first.
Merry Christmas!

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[> interested in copy of Sharon's wind vane design -- Lyle Harris, - Friday - 01/16/09 - 3:55pm

Hi Randall,
I was reading Pacific Lady, and noticed in your intro that she sent you a design for either a wind vane or auto steering system. If you would be willing to post that to this site, or send me a copy of the plans, I would be very interested in having them.
Lyle Harris, M31 #42 Stardust

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[> [> sure... lesure. let me have sure thing -- Randall, M31, Murre, - Friday - 01/16/09 - 4:54pm

I haven't looked at them in a long time, but let me dig them out of the dusty shoe box and see what's worth posting.

It's likely that it would cost more to build and modify the boat (Sharon raised and, I think, shortened the mizzen boom) than to acquire some other used windvane.

Back in 69 Sharon had few choices as windvane technology was still quite new and I don't think anyting was in production.

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[> [> [> sorry for drunken subject line ... site is acting wonky! -- Randall, M31, Murre, - Friday - 01/16/09 - 6:05pm


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[> [> [> wind vane and raised mizzen boom -- Lyle Harris, - Saturday - 01/17/09 - 2:04pm

Interesting your mention that she'd raised the mizzen boom. I thought that had to be the case, unless she was extremely short (from the photos in the book).

Building my own wind vane may not be a great idea. I've got enough projects on Starlight to keep me plenty busy. But any good design for a wind vane would be nice to review, if only for learning to understand how they work, and maybe to be able to repair one.
sail on,

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