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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 01/ 6/09 - 1:32pm
Author: Kathy Campbell SHADOW M32-#3
Subject: plywood grades
In reply to: Steve M-32 #59 's message, "Ply types" on - Monday - 01/ 5/09 - 9:29pm

All this information on how to pick out the right grade of plywood is just what I need. It would be easy to be sold an inferior grade. Now I'll know exactly what to purchase. Thanks for the help. Yours truly, Kathy

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[> [> [> [> Cockpit & deck plywood -- Lyle Harris, - Tuesday - 01/13/09 - 12:34pm

Hi Kathy,
It appears that we're doing the same work at the same time (M31 #42, Starlight). I also appreciate the recommendations provided here. 1088 Okume is $160 per panel in Seattle, which amazes me. Rationally, that's only 66.7 cups of coffee at Starbucks, so I'll probably go for it. The marine grade fir ply is $80 per sheet (only 33.3 cups of coffee), and I may use some of this in places where I'd have an epoxied, painted surface. I think it's still bomb-proof, even if it's slightly less bomb-proof as the Okume 1088...

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[> [> [> [> [> Ply voids -- Steve M-32, - Tuesday - 01/13/09 - 11:18pm

The problem with the cheaper grades is voids in the inner ply's. A void will allow the board to flex and crack when it is stepped on which will in turn allow the glass to crack which allows water into the ply and if water gets into a void it is the perfect environment for rot to develop. You don't need that many sheets of ply. Given all the labor that goes into a rebuild of one of our boats I think it's the wrong place to try and save money.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Marine plywood -- Dan, - Thursday - 01/15/09 - 12:22am

Don't confuse building grades of fir ply with marine grade. Marine grade fir ply has no voids. That being said , I think the imports, okoume(also known as gabon) and meranti are better. They have more laminations and are probably more rot resistant. Check out Noah's-

I'm getting ready to do my decks and cabin also.

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