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Date Posted: - Thursday - 01/ 8/09 - 3:10pm
Author: Craig M31-25 Hibou
Subject: It's not that bad
In reply to: Lyle Harris 's message, "wood or alluminum masts" on - Thursday - 01/ 8/09 - 1:26pm

I refinished my masts last winter just a few miles north of you. It's a time consuming job but well worth the effort. I couldn't imagine Hibou with aluminum or painted masts.
I'm starting over on refurbishing a boat and my first project, next week, is to strip and refinish the masts.

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[> [> [> Mast work -- Lyle Harris, - Thursday - 01/ 8/09 - 6:44pm

Well the work you did on Hibou convinced me to buy a Mariner31. I would be very happy for recommendations on finishes that worked for you. I've been recommended to use MAS epoxy, which I think is very good. I also like West System III. I don't have a favorite in the varnish department, and some information on this would be handy. I really don't want to be stripping these things every other year.
What's your new boat?

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[> [> [> [> Mast finish -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Friday - 01/ 9/09 - 9:23am

Thanks for your comments on Hibou.
On my third spring, in a row, of stripping and refinishing the cockpit I discovered Cetol. It's holding up well to our climate and where I have had to do some touch up that's what it was, a touch up not a redo. All the exposed wood on Marauder will be getting Cetol.
Marauder is a Hudson Force 50 with the "Venice" cockpit. The cockpit is aft of the pilot house but not on the stern. Let me know if this link to my photos works.



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