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Date Posted: - Monday - 01/12/09 - 1:01pm
Author: Gitano
Subject: Cast Bronze
In reply to: Lyle Harris 's message, "Need Mast/boom bronze connection" on - Saturday - 01/10/09 - 6:32pm

Hello Lyle,
I recently had a mast step cast in bronze. I recommend you call a casting shop and find out what they charge for a bronze casting. Usually you pay only for the bronze by weight (kilo). You need to take them the gooseneck, disassembled for sand casting. It winds up being relatively low cost, although some shops wait until they have several castings to make before they melt the bronze and pour, so it sometimes takes several weeks.

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[> [> [> [> Gitano--casting question -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Monday - 01/12/09 - 9:35pm

Where did you have your casting done again?

My mizzen goosneck fitting is nearly worn out. It doesn't take much abuse, so I've been nursing it along. But I really should get it done.

Are your masts up yet? Is your fitting in good enough shape to make a plug? Maybe we could have plugs of main and mizzen made?


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[> [> [> [> [> California Casting (510) 232-2425 -- Gitano, - Wednesday - 01/14/09 - 4:24pm

Hi Randall,
Here is the link http://www.nffs.org/html/member.asp?ID=56
Its called California Casting, and is located in Richmond.
How are things?

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