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Date Posted: - Thursday - 01/29/09 - 12:11am
Author: Aron Kormout (Here we go!!)
Subject: More new Mariner owners

Thanks to all of you Mariner owners/lovers out there, my wife Rheanne and I have recently aquired mariner 31 hull #55 ,previously Blues Traveller from a great guy, Steve Burge . She is in the beginning stages of a total refit. and like Terry am already overwhelmed by the project ahead But ,we have a dream and lots of time sooo... The hull will sit in front of our house in Port Orford OR, I have pretty much the whole boat in the garage, minus the hull, (boatyard)is putting together some kind of trailer for her. So I have been busy sanding varios bits and pieces .

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[> Hey -- Terry, - Thursday - 01/29/09 - 7:59am

Hey, man your lucky you got the boat at your home in your yard. Sure must make it easier to work on in your spare time.I wish I had Sea Voyager here but the home owners association would not appreciate it. She is 800 miles from me in North Carolina and I'm here in Florida so its driving me crazy. You know the feeling a new toy got to tinker with it.I'm getting things done like estimates, ordering supplies getting prepared for spring to start the work. I'm going to spend long weekends up there working on her and also hire a helper like Randall did with Muire. My vacation time will be spent there as well trying to get as much done before winter comes again. Yes it scares me, don't know what I'll find once I get into the project. But I'm confident that with the support of all the other owners who have taken this journey I'll be OK and so will you. Just don't give up and keep that dream alive. One of the things I've done is put a picture of a finished Mariner on my computer desktop with Sea Voyager next to it. Its like a positive affirmation telling myself thats what Sea Voyager will look like soon. Its not going to be an easy road getting there so feel free to rant and rave if you need to. Those of us that are in the process of rebuilding need to give support and or reach out. This site and those in the forum have given me the courage to tackle what I'm beginning and they'll help you to. So I wish you good luck, keep us posted to your progress ask for help when needed. WE're all here for ya man. Would love to see what your project looks like

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