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Date Posted: - Monday - 02/23/09 - 5:40pm
Author: Peter
Subject: Water Tanks, M31
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "Water Tanks, M31" on - Sunday - 01/25/09 - 9:38pm

I too am considering doing this, however I am very tempted to make use of the forward areas of the bilge, but dividing it up into 4 10's or some combination to get me ~ 35 - 40gal. Has anyone else done this?

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[> [> tank locations -- Steve M-32 #59, - Monday - 02/23/09 - 7:54pm

I'm building two tanks currently for aft area of the v-berth below the level of the two access doors. One will wind up around 10g and the other around 12g. I need to use the current wate tank location for a holding tank and then anotehr wate rtank aft of that. I think I'm also going to build one on the port side under the setee.

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[> [> [> Tanks -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Monday - 02/23/09 - 9:42pm

What are you making your tanks out of? What's your plan for filling? Will they all be inter connected with one fill? Do you know what was original in the 31's and 32's for water tanks? Mine has two, one under each settee, stainless. Something tells me the're not original.

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[> [> [> [> tank location -- Steve M-32 #59, - Monday - 02/23/09 - 11:05pm

I'm making them out of fiberglass using food safe resin (see the newest issue of Good Old Boat). My boat had a stainless 40g or so tank under the stbd setee which I think is the most common arrangement on the 31/32. I believe I read somewhere that there was an optional one for the port setee as well. For the forward two tanks I am installing one fill and interconnecting the two tanks. The arrangement winds up being three valves so that each tank can be isolated or interconnected to each other and a third valve leading back to the rest of the water system. The reason that I didn't keep the original water tank is that I felt I needed a bigger holding tank than what was available for the forepeak area. I will be cruising with a family of four and we can't dump anywhere in Puget Sound. I don't want to have to leave a beautiful anchorage just to try and find a pumpout station somewhere.

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