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tank location -- Steve M-32 #59, - Monday - 02/23/09 - 11:05pm
I'm making them out of fiberglass using food safe resin (see the newest issue of Good Old Boat). My boat had a stainless 40g or so tank under the stbd setee which I think is the most common arrangement on the 31/32. I believe I read somewhere that there was an optional one for the port setee as well. For the forward two tanks I am installing one fill and interconnecting the two tanks. The arrangement winds up being three valves so that each tank can be isolated or interconnected to each other and a third valve leading back to the rest of the water system. The reason that I didn't keep the original water tank is that I felt I needed a bigger holding tank than what was available for the forepeak area. I will be cruising with a family of four and we can't dump anywhere in Puget Sound. I don't want to have to leave a beautiful anchorage just to try and find a pumpout station somewhere.
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