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Date Posted: - Friday - 02/27/09 - 10:38pm
Author: Dan M32 #36 Independence
Subject: Boat Moving
In reply to: Lyle Harris 's message, "moving an M31 overland" on - Friday - 02/27/09 - 3:10pm

I recently moved my M32 from Salt Lake City to San Juan Island. It was on it's own trailer which has been sold but I hired a trucker do the moving. I found the trucker on the internet on a great site called USHIP. You enter all your info and truckers will bid against each other on moving your boat. Be careful though, I was emailing back and forth with one guy and was about ready to go with him. I asked for proof of insurance and license. Turns out he wasn't licensed and said he didn't like to stop at weigh stations. I did find a trucker on the site that was great. Reasnonable price,communicated well and delivered on time. The trouble is finding a trucker with an appropriate trailer. There's always the boat moving companies. They certainly have the right equipment. I did get quotes from some boat moving companies, but they work the coasts and Salt Lake is out of their range so in my case they were to expensive. Good luck.

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[> [> [> M31 trailer -- Aron K (Thanks guys), - Saturday - 02/28/09 - 8:55pm

Thank you for the ideas, I currently have a couple Boat moving companies trying to work my boat into their schedules so hopefully there is a boat/boats that need to go north, otherwise the cost is super expensive for a single boat haul. I missed a delivery day this week because I need a mover with a hydraulic trailer not just a loyboy with cradle. Associated and Dudley out of Washington are the companies Im dealing with so far. Mabey with spring coming more boats will be migrating up and down the west coast. Thank you guys for the tips, helps keep me motivated, I cant wait to get her home..

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