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Date Posted: - Sunday - 03/15/09 - 1:27am
Author: Brian Sweeney
Subject: Cutlass Bearing

In a couple of weeks, I am going to haul my 1973 Mariner 36, Hull #9. I am probably going to replace the cultass bearing. The prop shaft is 1.25" where it exits the hull. Does anyone know what cutlass bearing is used, and is it hard to find?
The flange where the Borg Warner Transmission is attached to the prop shaft is horribly rusted (any thoughts?).
I am also going to replace the rubber tubing that connects the stuffing box to the hull as it poor condtion (any thoughts?).
Thanks for any information in advance,


Mariner 36 Hull # 9 "Gran Mariner"

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[> Cutlass -- Mark, Aeolus M31 #62, - Sunday - 03/15/09 - 9:06am

Brian, good luck on the haul. Since I have a M31 I can't help w/the bearing, or stuffing box as the 31's have a 1 1/8 shaft. But if you use a shaft puller be very careful. Years ago I used one to pull my original bronze shaft and it popped the threads off the end of the shaft on the 2nd or 3rd slide. If the bolts are free on the flange (and you have room) put a socket between the flange and trans. and tighten to break the bond. Good Luck
I wouldn't think you should have any trouble finding a 1 1/4 cutlass bearing. I think the O.D. is universal.

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