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Date Posted: - Sunday - 03/22/09 - 8:31pm
Author: Dan M32 #36 Independence
Subject: Chainplates

In the process of restoring my boat one of the things I'll have to deal with is the chainplates. The original inboard chainplates for the mizzen were replaced at some point with ones on the exterior.I don't know why. I could go back to the original arraingement or change the ones on the main to the exterior type. Any opinions?

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[> Randall, Murre, M31 -- Nearly a toss up, I think, - Monday - 03/23/09 - 1:08pm

I think in general external are better than internal for our boats (cruisers), but it's nearly a toss up.

Advantages of External:
-easy access, easier to install, easy to check and maintain and replace.
-One need not fear leaks at deck level that rot the deck and corrode the plate.
-possibly stronger (though usually shorter) in that they tie right into the hull and not a flange built onto the hull.

Advantage of Internal:
-Being inboard, they allow the jib sheets to be brought inboard and thus allow the boat to point higher (on our boats this is a nominal advantage in my opinion; on the other hand, we should take all we can get!).
-The plate can be longer. The chainplates on our boats are really long--possibly extending below the water line. This makes them really strong and distributes their load over a greater area of boat, although where they pass the deck is a weak spot and thus my void the advantage of their length as they age.
-Possibly more aesthetically pleaseing.

One road block to switching from internal to external for me is placement. I have not given this a ton of thought, but it seems one would have to remove the current flange that the internal plate attaches to and then reinforce that area.

Just thoughts.


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