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Do they still pivot? -- Jared, - Thursday - 04/23/09 - 10:14pm
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the pictures. It looks like that may be a good way to go. One thing I'm a little unclear on: can the spreaders still pivot fore and aft? Basically, I guess I'm wondering how you attach the spreaders to the tang. Is there going to be a single bolt through so that they still pivot or multiple bolts so that they're fixed?
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Pivot -- Bruce, - Friday - 04/24/09 - 11:32am
Hi Jarad,
Fore and aft pivot is NOT good for a sailboat rig. Ask any rigger (I discussed with Brion Toss, personally). But if I understand your question, There will be two through bolt pins. The first being the one closest to the mast, and will be the pivot point until the rig is lofted and tuned. The second through bolt is about 3 inches away perpendicular to the first (away from the mast) and will lock in the correct angel, once the rig settles where it wants to be. The first bolt hole is drilled and ready and I will mark the second pin location after lofting, take the spreaders off again, drill the hole and then pin if for good. I oversized the second epoxy plug because I don't know exactly where the pin location will settle. The stainless gasket and tang covers the plug so it is not visible. Send me an email if you would like my cell number to discuss further.
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