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Date Posted: - Thursday - 04/23/09 - 10:30pm
Author: Jared
Subject: I might have hull #9

I've had my Mariner 31 for about a year and a half and I've always wondered what hull number she was. The previous owner didn't know and I hadn't seen any markings. I finally noticed something on the inner edge of the doors in the "v" of the v-berth.

Here's a photo of the markings:

That's the port door. The one on the starboard side has the same markings but facing the other direction so I suppose it could be a 6. However, I'm leaning toward 9 because what I assume to be a japanese character below the nine looks more right side up to my untrained eye as shown in the photo.

Does anyone else have their hull number marked in the same place? Does anyone know what that character below the 9 means? Does anyone know anything about the history of hull #9 or hull #6?

I was told when I bought the boat that it was made in 1970 but if it is #9 or #6, it seems more likely that it would have been built in '69, right?

Thanks in advance for any information you might have.

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[> Nine is correct. -- Sandpiper T/M 36C, - Saturday - 04/25/09 - 10:32pm


My so was an exchange student in Japan. He learned the language. reads it, writes it, eats it!!

I asked him to look over your photo and translate the characters, if possible.

His response was, "yep! it is the number NINE. held as such, the top character is just the common number or pound sign, then NINE, then a 'counting' symbol.
clear as mud?".

I hope that helps.

Fair winds & etc.


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[> [> Thanks! -- Jared, - Tuesday - 04/28/09 - 12:22pm

It seems the mystery has been solved. Thank you.

So it seems that she's really a 1969 Mariner and not a 1970, right? Does anyone know how to go about digging up any more on the history of hull #9?

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[> M31 Hull # 9 -- Bill Kranidis, - Tuesday - 06/ 9/09 - 8:52am


send some info to me about your boat so we can add you to the owners' page.

Bill Kranidis

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