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Date Posted: - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 3:31pm
Author: Steve m-32 Pyxis
Subject: M-31 vs M-32
In reply to: Matthieu 's message, "Re: M-31 vs M-32" on - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 2:50pm

I'm not the expert and maybe Bill will chime in with more info but here goes. The only difference in hull and rig between th 31 and the 32 is the clipper bow. If you look at a 32 hull you can see the line of the 31 bow with an appendage grafted on to give it a clipper bow. The cockpits on the boats you mentioned are what I would call the "31 cockpit". You will always see a 31 with that cockpit and you will see some 32s with it so it must have been an option. The "32 cockpit" has the teak taffrail around it and is flat throughout with no raised area aft of the steering box and the coamings are completely different. Hope this helps.

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[> [> [> [> Built in CA -- Randall, Murre, - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 3:36pm

Hey Matthieu,

I ***think*** the answer is as follows:

The only difference between the 31's and 32's that were built ***in Japan*** was the clipper bow and the cockpit arrangement.

However, sometime post 1972 (?) Far East moved to California and produced yachts there. I think the Mariners we see with factory 1) external chainplates; 2) aluminum masts; and 3) fitted, white window coverings (as opposed to a simple metal plate over the outside of the window…like mine) are all US made. I don't think any Japanese made 31/32 had these features out of the factory.

All three of the yachts you reference (and yours too) fit that description, right???

Mariner History here: http://www.marineryachts.com/fey/History.htm


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[> [> [> [> [> ...and... -- Randall, - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 3:44pm

and whether you call it a 31 or 32 has zero practical significance. To Steve's point, the waterline is the same, the beam is the same, and thus the interior volume (not to mention layout) is the same in both boats. According to the specs, the 31 has exaclty 1 foot more LOA, and it's all in that last foot of the bow.

Good luck monetizing that. :)


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[> [> [> [> [> [> ..oops -- Randall, - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 3:47pm

typing mistake:

this line, "the 31 has exaclty 1 foot more LOA..." should have been "the 32 has exactly 1 foot more LOA..."

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[> [> [> [> Thanks ! -- Matthieu, - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 6:10pm

Thanks a lot for all this information.

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[> [> [> [> [> M32 vs M31 -- John Bye, - Thursday - 09/13/07 - 11:28pm

My understanding is this: You could special order the M32 with the M31 bow (no clipper extension). My previous boat (Promise) was done this way. I think all the M32's have the teak taffrail and all the M31's don't (they have stanchions (sp?) and lifelines around the cockpit). Other than that, the hull and interior are the same on both. I think...... :o)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Mariner 32 for sale and a question -- Eric Schoenberg, - Tuesday - 09/18/07 - 1:17am

I believe the wooden taffrail was on the Japan-made boats, and was abandoned on the CA made Mariners.


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